Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Iraqi President Advocates for Local Government in Kirkuk: A Move Towards Resolving Long-Standing Disputes, 4 OCT

 Iraqi President Advocates for Local Government in Kirkuk: A Move Towards Resolving Long-Standing Disputes, 4 OCT

President Abdellatif Jamal Rashid of Iraq has proposed a significant solution to the ongoing Kirkuk crisis – the formation of a local government that truly reflects the diversity of the province’s population. This move is seen as a meaningful stride towards peace and stability in the region. Kirkuk, a city located 250 km north of Baghdad, sits atop one of Iraq’s key oil-producing fields, contributing to nearly 13% of the nation’s proven reserves. The city’s demographic composition has been a contentious issue, primarily due to the influx of Arab families under former President Saddam Hussein’s Arabisation policy.

The Kirkuk Dispute

The heart of the Kirkuk dispute lies in its ethnic and political division. The Kurds consider Kirkuk their historical capital and insist that it be part of Kurdistan. Conversely, Arabs and Turkmen demand that the city remain under central government authority. They argue that Kirkuk has been deliberately populated with Kurds to tip the demographic balance in their favor in any potential vote.

This ethnic tension has caused concern in neighboring Turkey, which fears that Iraq’s Kurds could gain control of Kirkuk. Such a development could potentially reignite separatist movements among its sizeable Kurdish population. The United Nations has even dubbed Kirkuk as ‘the mother of all issues’ in Iraq, underlining the need for a peaceful solution to the dispute for the country’s stability.

The Proposed Solution

One potential solution that was put forward was a referendum to decide Kirkuk’s status. However, this was delayed to allow the United Nations to present its proposals. The UN warned against pushing for a vote on whether the Kirkuk oil area should be part of Kurdistan, fearing such a move could ignite conflict. Instead, the UN proposed several potential solutions, including a new political agreement to facilitate the implementation of a constitutional plan for Kirkuk.

President Rashid’s proposal for a new government that embodies all components of the province is seen as a critical development in this complex situation. If successfully implemented, this strategy could pave the way for a peaceful resolution to the Kirkuk crisis, easing ethnic tensions and promoting stability in the region.

A Need for Cooperation

However, the path to resolution may be fraught with challenges. It would require cooperation, compromise, and a shared commitment to peace from all parties involved. This is why President Rashid emphasized the need for transparent elections in the upcoming provincial council polls. He also underscored the importance of maintaining good relations with neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as the United States, expressing gratitude for their support in overthrowing a dictatorial regime.

Thus, the proposed formation of a local government in Kirkuk could potentially resolve longstanding disputes between Baghdad and Erbil, especially if accompanied by fair and free elections. However, the ultimate success of this proposal will depend on the willingness of all parties to cooperate and compromise for the sake of peace and stability.

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