Saturday, August 10, 2024

Al-Sudani: Without The Women’s Stance, The Greatest Changes In History Would Not Have Been Achieved, 10 AUGUST

 Politics |Today,  Baghdad Today – Baghdad  Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani confirmed today, Saturday (August 10, 2024), that his government realized early on that the goals of economic and social reform must pass through the gate of women.

Al-Sudani said during the conference on combating violence against women, which was followed by "Baghdad Today", that "this conference represents an important platform for exchanging ideas and supporting the effective role of women, as without the position of women, the greatest changes in history would not have been confirmed."

He added, "In our government, we realized early on that the goals of economic and social reform must pass through the gate of women, and we embodied the fight against violence against women in our support for the Sixteen Days Campaign, and we sought within a clear approach to establish the Supreme Council for Women's Affairs to be a direct planning and executive gate, and today we are proud and honored that our government includes in its administrative institutions many leading women."

He pointed out that "we will discuss in a specialized workshop all the observations raised about the Personal Status Law."   LINK



 This is it, guys. I just have to wait for Elizabeth to give me the green light so I can premiere the opera for you. 

The precarious have their own opera and as soon as they release those funds, they will premiere their own opera. Make no mistake, it's my opera. I will be the one who sings! 

I'll see you at the meeting, probably in February. We are already close to mid-August and the end of the year is not far away. I will have about 3 months off to get off the grid and off the radar and I don't want to risk my confidentiality agreement. 

I'll ask if I can do some things in the Chosen Room or if I'm allowed, but I have to be careful. Most likely it will not appear there. 

We are approaching my time to leave this channel, and when I do it will be because it has already begun. I hope to have another live call tomorrow. 

Take care, Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia) 

NOTE FROM CARPATHIA: Listen to the audio to hear Carpathia's off-the-cuff comments at the end of the chat.



 Esto es todo, muchachos. Solo tengo que esperar a que Elizabeth me llame con luz verde para poder estrenar la ópera para ustedes. 

Los precarios tienen su propia ópera y tan pronto como liberen esos fondos, estrenarán su propia ópera. No se confundan, es mi ópera. ¡Seré YO quien cante! 

Los veré en la reunión, probablemente en febrero. Ya estamos cerca de mediados de agosto y el fin de año no está lejos. Tendré unos 3 meses de descanso para salir de la red y del radar y no quiero arriesgar mi acuerdo de confidencialidad. 

Preguntaré si puedo hacer algunas cosas en la Sala Elegida o si me lo permiten, pero tengo que tener cuidado. Lo más probable es que no aparezca allí. 

Nos estamos acercando a mi hora de abandonar este canal, y cuando lo haga será porque ya ha comenzado. Espero tener otra llamada en vivo mañana. 

Cuídate, Wolverine (transcrito por Carpathia) 

NOTA DE CARPATHIA: Escuche el audio para escuchar los comentarios improvisados de Carpathia al final del chat.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 RV Dinar to 1980’s 🔥 Today IQD Value to Dollar RV News G...

Saleh: There Is No Problem With Liquidity At All, And What Happened In The American Markets Requires Caution, 10 AUGUST

 Read: 572 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The financial and economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, denied that there was a problem with cash liquidity in the Iraqi currency.  Saleh said in a press statement,

 “There is no problem with liquidity at all because it is covered by foreign currency,” indicating that
“the mechanism for obtaining cash liquidity is that oil sales are converted into US dollars, and
when the government needs dinars for internal exchangeoil sales are exchanged for dollars and go to a bank.” The monetary issue that is the central bank to give it currency.”  He pointed out that
"the central bank, with the aim of maintaining market stability,
     sells foreign currency to the market through the currency sale window and auction, to
     withdraw liquidity a second time and
     then repeat it again so that there is a natural growth in the exported currency."

As for the size of the monetary supply, Saleh explained,
“There has been an increase in liquidity within a yearas the issued currency has become more than 100 trillion dinars, after it was 80 trillion dinars,” stressing that
these surges have no effect as long as they are covered by foreign currency.”
The financial advisor to the Prime Minister believes that the world's economic circles were surprised by sharp fluctuations and declines in the US stock market amid a wave of panic over fears about a possible recession in the largest economy in the world, and that
"these declines were built on a combination of local and global economic factors that led to weak investor confidence in the performance of... The American economy, and
if the situation continues for six continuous months, the recession will turn into a major depression that will hit all the world’s economies.”  Saleh pointed out,
“The US Energy Information Administration previously announced that it expects average prices to reach about $89 per barrel for the rest of 2024,
but there is a gradual decline in global oil prices, which has begun to coincide with the decline in the value of financial assets in the American markets, especially the decline in oil.”
The signal is (Brent crude), which ranges at about $76 per barrel in futures contracts after it reached approximately $88 per barrel last June, which requires more caution and economic calculation.”صالح-لا-مشكلة-بالسيولة-اطلاقاً-وما-حدث-في-الأسواق-الامريكية-يستوجب-الحذر   

Leaks About The Dismissal Of The Governor Of The Central Bank Of Iraq: The Hidden Reasons And Implications
Dismissal of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq: Financial disputes or a political conspiracy?
Al-Independent/ - Informed sources reported that the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, faces imminent dismissal in the coming days, not because he has reached the legal age as previously thought, but because of his opposition to financing projects and loans worth millions of dollars provided by the Sudanese government.

The scene became more ambiguous as Al-Alaq remained silent and refused to answer questions from the media.
According to a source who requested anonymity to Al-Mustaqila’s correspondent, Al-Alaq strongly opposed the financial arrangements that included financing huge projects and loans from the Sudanese government, and
this position appears to have been the main factor behind the moves to remove him from his position.
The sources have not yet revealed precise details about the type of these projects or loans, but the large amounts associated with them have sparked disagreements between Al-Alaq and the Iraqi government.
The same source indicated that the potential replacement for Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq’s position is already ready, and
he is a person who is expected to quickly take over the position once it is vacated.
It is expected that the replacement will follow policies in line with the current government's trends, which may explain the speed of the decision to dismiss.
In a related context, some media and political sources issued warnings to the Prime Minister regarding the influence of a group of personalities or parties on government decisions related to the financial sector.
The warnings indicated the need to be wary of these individuals and their potential impact on monetary and financial policy in Iraq.
The government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is accused of corruption, even though Al-Sudani was a critic of the government of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.
However, his rule witnessed an increase in corruption and its penetration into the joints of the state.
One of the controversial decisions during his reign was to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, which caused losses to the state budget exceeding 15 billion dollars.علي-محسن-العلاق/ 


 On Fri. 9 Aug. 2024 the below briefly appeared on a John F. Kennedy Jr. Telegram site, but then disappeared so it is not known if it was valid or not: John F. Kennedy Jr.

  • Sources said delays were from making sure QFS system and all the test clients were done perfectly so they can see their funds in their accounts (or hold SKRs) but would not be able to use these funds until the shotgun start has started.
  • Understand that the Swift System might still be in use until all old currency has been declared useless, but those evil sources are still trying their best to keep it open or slow down the exchange.
  • Sources say Monday/Tuesday for release of emails/800#
  • International Default Rates (not Humanitarian):
  • Dinar will value at a “RI” rate from the time Iraq was invaded which would put it around $3.22 – $3.78
  • Zim was being offered at a default rate of first two 100T aa bond notes up to 30 T notes at $20 Million each, 31 T notes and up would default to $15 million decreasing the more notes you own.
  • HOWEVER the AA Zim are Bonds and we have been told they can NOT be renegotiated, ASK for the contract/solverant rate
  • These rates can be negotiated on your second visit with your projects and team members.
  • You will have 90 days to exchange
    Have all currency on a spreadsheet and a copy for your appointment personal.
    Currency should be separated by countries and denominations
    Have your projects ready with a copy for your appointment personal.
    Have your amounts ready to take care of your immediate needs.
    No cash will be given, but an account of 50,000 to 100,000 will be put in your account
    You can bring accountants, lawyers, banker and or family members but all must sign a NDA
  • The QFS is a system created by the Earth Confederation and our Stellar brothers. All people already have their QFS account set up. It contains all their personal data and their DNA. There is nothing to configure.
  • The money from your birth certificate is already deposited in that account, as well as the repayment of the loans you have requested, student loans, mortgages, etc.
  • We all have monies that is ours in those accounts. You do not need to have Zim Bonds or Dinar. It is money that you have earned during your life and that is in that account.
  • Once everyone has collected the bonuses, the general public will come, they will be called to the redemption center, they will be given a QFS card and they can use their money.

Iraqi Dinar :The Clock is Ticking: U.S. Treasury & Fed Just Issued a Maj...

Adviser To The Prime Minister: There Is No Problem With Cash Flow In The Iraqi Currency , 10 AUGUST

 Economical    Number of readings: 334 Baghdad / NINA / Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, advisor to Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani for economic affairs, 

denied the existence of a problem with cash flow in the Iraqi currency.
Mazhar Muhammad Saleh said, according to Rudaw Media Network:
“There is no problem with liquidity at all because it is covered by foreign currency,” indicating that
“the mechanism for obtaining cash liquidity is that oil sales are converted into US dollars, and
when the government needs dinars for internal exchange, oil sales are exchanged for dollars.” 

"It goes to the issuing bank, which is the central bank, to give it the currency."  

He pointed out that  "the central bank, with the aim of maintaining market stability, sells foreign currency to the market through the currency sale window and auction, to withdraw liquidity a second time and repeat it again so that there is a natural growth in the exported currency."  

Mazhar Muhammad Salih noted that,   “In this case, when the government wants liquidity in the Iraqi dinar, the cash issuance increases, that is,
instead of absorbing it from the market, a new issuance occurs, and
this is what led to a jump in the exported currency, but
there is no problem with that because it is 100% covered.” /End H   


  Fnu Lnu    I do not buy this "Education Program" nor do I buy the "Adjusting of the Parallel Market".  The education i...