Sunday, August 4, 2024

Iraqi Dinar Finally Could Make You Rich : Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024 -D...

Economist Expects Sanctions On Iraqi Banks To Be Eased, 4 AUGUST

 Posted on 2024-08-03 by sotaliraq    Economic researcher Safwan Qusay believes that sanctions imposed on Iraqi banks will be reduced and made financial only.

Qusay said, “The Central Bank has contracted with an international company (K2) for the purpose of auditing banks that have restricted access to the dollar in previous periods, so that these banks can learn the mechanism for complying with international requirements.”

He added, "Everyone is keen on stopping the use of Iraqi banks for money laundering. Private Iraqi banks are not the owners of corrupt money, but there are those who acquire the Iraqi dinar illegally and are trying to use the banks for money laundering and smuggling hard currency."

Qusay continued, "As for the restricted banks, they will be rehabilitated by merging, or these sanctions will be reduced or made financial sanctions in the coming periods."   LINK

"Q & A" :"they're trying to give us the impression that they aren't ready for an RV" BY GINGER, 4 AUGUST

Dawn: Hi there. Ginger: Hi there, Dawn.

Dawn: I've been listening to your to your shows and your intel and I just wanted to tell you that I'm so glad that you have appreciation for our country and our God that we serve. It's unbelievable how you are diligent, I've just wanted to say thank you all over the planet and back for the for all that you do, and my question is I was in the kitchen trying to cook dinner back and forth in front of my phone and I usually we're hearing aids, but I caught something that you said regarding January 25th and that our notes need the United State Notes need to be switched over. Can you clarify what you were talking about on those two? Two things, please.

Ginger: The only thing I mentioned about January 2025, that was when I said that Iraq was putting out news that went like in their airways in their news that (Al) Sudani said and the CBI said they would continue to sell the currency at auction through the rest of the year. They would stop it in January 2025. And I call it a deep fake that they're trying to give us the impression that they aren't ready for an RV and RI rate change until later on. That's the purpose of this. But I'm saying no I think this is a deep fake. I'm thinking they're trying to cloud the timing, but it could be faster, because there's going to be no need for them to continue the currency auction after they change their rate. Now the part about changing things over, I don't recall saying anything about changing things over, but I want everyone to know that when this goes down every country will put out to their citizens how much time you will have to change your notes from the old Fiat to the new asset backed currency. Will it be 30 days? Will it be 60 days? Will it be six months? It will be likely be more like six months, is my guess that's you know I experienced the the change of rate as a consistent traveler to Mexico so when they switch from the peso to the nuevo Peso and they switched over their currency, they gave about six months for all the citizens to change the old to the new. So we don't know what that is going to be today. It will be announced. Does that answer your question Sweetie Pie?

Dawn: Yes? Can I ask one more that I've had on my mind for about a year now? I've been I've been very concerned about the word sovereign. And how you know is that limiting the time you know, for us to have accessibility to the RV event, because the United States has not, or maybe they are now recognizing Iraqi sovereign? 

Ginger: Iraq has already been identified as sovereign, we saw this evidence two ways in December 2022, I saw and I put it out on my channel, article and also video of where the delegation from Iraq, Nancy Pelosi was heard in December 2022, congratulating Iraq on their sovereignty, but even more recently, the papers signing off on their sovereignty has occurred officially they are seen as a sovereign nation. That's the best way I can answer your question.

Dawn: Oh, happy I appreciate you.

SANDY INGRAM: Major News: World Bank & BP's Big Moves in Iraq!



  • Sat. 3 Aug. 2024 Texas Snake: “It is presently 3:10 AM in Bagdad Monday morning and additional info is coming forward over and above what was shared on the Conf Call I was included in last night.  Still very encouraged about tomorrow in US as well as this coming week. You are correct it will be Monday when the banker calls me in the morning.”
  • ----

    Well folks never have suggested dates or rates but I am really looking forward to this weekend.  GOD Bless everyone

    I am waiting on a CC but you are welcome to add ypur views


    Texas Snake, [07/31/2024, 8:12:51 p. m.]:

    While I was advised about this time yesterday that an announcement at midnight EDT we would be advised the RV would begin, this info could not be confirmed so I didn't share.  As usual no such announcement was forthcoming.

      All I can say folks all provisions for RV exchanges are completed relative to those trained to complete the exchanges and we continue to move forward.  

    We are closer each day so stay strong and continue to pray this event in.  GOD Bless.......

    Mel ❤️, [07/31/2024, 8:30:24 p. m.]:

    Thank you snake!

For Those Asking For A Date~🇮🇶 BY REINALDO JC, 4 AUGUST


For Those Asking For A Date~🇮🇶

I Would Not Ask/Worry About The Iraqi Dinar (Date). It’s A Monetary Reform Process. No One Knows The Date Of When Al-Sudani/CBI Will Pull The Trigger. A Lot Of Speculation Of When It Will Happen. 🚨They’re All Guesses🚨 I KNOW ALL DINARS HOLDERS ARE FRUSTRATED BUT… You Will Drive Yourselves Crazy, Highly Emotional, Stressing Yourself Out On A Daily Pressing For This To Happen & Trying To Guess The DATE. I Can Update You’ll With News From Iraq On A Daily Basis, But I’m Not Doing So On Purpose. No Need Too. A Lot Of The Same Repetitive, Going In Circle News. {They Have A Set Date} & We Just WAIT. The Rate {Will Change} & We Will All Profit From This Immensely & We Will Take Care Of The Needy. Its INEVITABLE!!! 💥In The Mean Time..Dinars Holder/Investors Need To Take A Step Back & Relax, Go Live A Little, If You Can Afford-Take A Vacay & Enjoy. If Broke-Do Broke People Shit..Destress, Spend Quality Time With Fam/Friends, Park Walk, Breath, Cookout, House Games, Step Outside Get Some Sun/Fresh Air/Exercise & Detach From The Daily News. 💥The Dinar Rate Will Increase When We Least Expect It. Al-Sudani Already Stated To The Iraquí Citizens-That The Dinar Value Will Increase In 2024!!! We Continue To Hold The Line!!!🫱🏾‍🫲🏻

Patreon: Dinar Investor (September Withdrawal)