Thursday, November 28, 2024



Before I forget to tell my followers, again I want to remind you that there will not be a Newsletter for Thursday Dec 5th. There is other important very urgent work that must be completed during that timeframe. I will publish the Tuesday Dec 3rd as normal.

We must all remember that we must make a “monthly” contribution to keep this Mnt Goat Newsletter alive. For me it is like a third job for and takes time to research and put it all together. Please decide to help out or we will lose the Newsletter. 

I also next want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the USA. In Germany we already celebrated Thanksgiving more on terms of a harvest fest earlier in the fall, but the same, just the same. We do sit and share a meal with family and friends too but don’t necessarily eat a turkey dinner. Yes, I do miss those turkey dinners from when I was in the USA. Mein loving hubby always tries to surprise me with a turkey during this timeframe and so let’s see if he continues this again this week. He is a very thoughtful man. He remembers my American traditions. 

So, where are we in this RV saga?

The RV has NOT yet happened. There are NO newer lower denominations passed out. Why would there be as they would only be almost totally worthless anyway without at least the in-country RV. No, the ATMs do not yet have the new lower denominations in them since the public uses these ATMs every day to get petty cash. What the hell would they now do with the lower denominations? I wish these stupid intel gurus would clean up their act and stop lying to people about these ATMs too. Do these intel guru do more harm than good to our dinar community? 

Please let me know how you feel. 

I also want to bring out yet another intel guru phenomenon. They are now telling their gullible listeners that the census is going to launch the HCL and will cause the RV to happen. Really? How ignorant to pretend you know so much and yet so little. 

In the study of the recent Iraqi census taking, if you have been reading my articles in my Newsletter, you can clearly see the recent census was a national census taken with the help of the United Nations (UN). The UN every so many decades takes a global census to determine the world’s population and demographics. Iraq is also going to use this census as part of the Article 140 distribution of the Kurdistan monthly payments of oil revenues to the region from the GOI. It will also help resolve part of the Oil and Gas law. 

Note, I did not say excess oil revenues or oil wealth distribution. So, Iraq is really districted in two main regions. The southern half where the government of Iraq runs the country called the federal Government of Iraq (GOI) located in Baghdad, the capital. Then the second main region up in the northern region of Kurdistan, where basically all the oil wells are located. Two distinct regions but yet one national country of Iraq. The government by constitution is representative positions of all the secs including the Sunnis, Kurds and the Shiites. Teh GOI by its prime ministers office interface with the public and the outside world of politics. 

How would the GOI then know how to compensate the Kurdistan region and in particular this new region of the formerly disputed regions (Article 140), if they don’t know the population?

 Article 140 has always dictated these regions would come under the Kurdistan authority. Settling Article 140 will also settle the many legislative disputes when in the past the Kurds refused to pass bills in retaliation for not getting their full share of the oil revenues, especially from being responsible for these disputed regions. But officially the constitution dictated a census to be taken to designate it under the Kurds. So, these areas where only proxy Kurdistan regions until the census was taken. 

Thi is why the GOI never wanted to pay for these regions. So, now since the census is taken, the GOI can legally compensate and prove why they are compensating the amounts to the Kurds. This is really WOW! news for us today. Don’t you think? By finally settling this issue of Article 140 the GOI should run much more smoothly in the house of representatives. In fact, they told us there are now going to even be more seats in parliament now based on this census results. It’s all so good! Yes- Wunderbar! 

Census taking: How many people eligible to work? What occupations and skills? How many children? How many retirees? Age groups, etc., etc. So, you can see how this census results would also be useful in rebuilding the Iraqi economy besides Article 140 and HCl disputes. It was way overdue. This is yet another sign to us investors that Iraq is now serious about moving ahead.

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