Monday, November 4, 2024



Member: Mon Nov 11 my bank closed, Veterans Day

1995 Bank Story by Matt at CBD Gurus:

Matt: At the time I was a Limo Driver and would pick up people at hotels and the airport in Minneapolis. There were a lot of businesses and conventions in Minneapolis along with a lot of financial places there. Offices of the Federal Reserve is still there.

One day in front of the Hyatt I picked up a guy with no luggage or computer or anything (Which was unusual) …..It was a 20 minute drive to the airport and as we drove we got talking and I asked him “What do you do?  He said he meets with all the financial guys in Minneapolis.

He continued. “I work with a division of the government …we are going to be changing things around at financial institutions, and dealing with the power of money around the world….the structure. I met with Wells Fargo and a couple more at the Federal Reserve here. I was just in town doing a couple days of business. ( I do not know if he worked for the Treasury or another branch of the Government)

I asked him what he meant by changing the structure of money and this and that? He started talking about empires and changes like the British empire, the Dutch Empire, the Roman Empire ect…(I just listened and kept driving- I did not know anything about this stuff back then)

I asked him where is the financial power going to then – if you changing things?  “just call it “Asia” he said. “  Things will be all right- just different. I asked him where do we fit in the whole thing? He said “We aren’t running the show anymore after this” It’s somebody else’s turn. We have to get ready for it.

Now this was in 1995….I asked him “When is this all going to happen?” He said “We are planning it for 2024, but I think we can move it up to 2023” 

Later on I find out what he was talking about when he said the money and power was going to change. He was talking about the RV….That is what he was talking about. And the time is now. We don’t know the exact date and hour…but it’s going to happen.

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