Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Who is holding up the RV? BY MNT GOAT, 2 SEPT

Who is holding up the RV?

I get asked this question all the time. However, I have stated the answer many, many times already. It just seems the ones asking the question don’t really want to hear the TRUTH answer. They want a simpler answer, a quick solution to a difficult issue. Let’s explore this today.

You know I get a bit sick and tired of hearing all these opinions, yes just stupid opinions,  from these intel gurus that are just idiots trying to make a name for themselves. What I want are the FACTS from the source itself. No, not some make believe source but the TRUE backed by FACTS. So, in today’s news we hear from one of the truthful sources in answering this question as to who is holding up the RV.

☹ In yet another article today titledWHY DOES THE US STILL CONTROL EVERY PENNY OF IRAQI OIL REVENUES?” we can now clearly see the corruption of the US upon Iraq.

 This information should not be new to any of my readers. I have been talking about this for years now. However, it is nice now to see it openly being exposed in the news, as the prophets told us from God “what can be exposed will be exposed”.  So, to answer this question of who is holding up the RV let’s look at the article. When I finished reading it I asked myself– Yes, why do they, if not for corruption?

The facts of why they should no longer control Iraq’s money are outlined clearly in this article. 

I quote from the article – “Attempts by the UN to restore Iraq’s control over its finances have largely failed. In 2010, UNSC Resolution 1956 demanded the closure of the DFI by no later than 30 June 2011 and the transfer of all proceeds to the Iraqi government.”Folks I am not making this stuff up. You can go read the article yourself.

Also I need to point out yet another device the US is using to justify control over their funds thus the currency too, is the Executive Order EO 13303. I know most of you did hear about this EO every May when it come up for renewal. Since the signing of Executive Order 13303 (EO13303) by President George W Bush on 22 May 2003, all revenues from Iraq’s oil sales have been funneled directly into an account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This flow of revenue will continue until this EO is ended. The RV can not and will not happen until this EO ends.

☹ EO13303, titled “Protection of the Development Fund for Iraq and Other Property in which Iraq Has an Interest,” has been renewed annually by every US president, including Joe Biden in 2024. This executive order essentially places control over Iraq’s oil revenues under the discretion of the US President, leaving Baghdad with limited control over its resources and earnings.

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