Thursday, October 3, 2024

Washington embassy: Tuesday’s attack targeted a US diplomatic facility in Baghdad, 3 OCT

 Shafak News / The US Embassy in Baghdad issued, on Tuesday evening, a clarification about the attack that targeted its interests, indicating that the target was a diplomatic facility.

The embassy spokesman said in a statement, which responded to Shafak News Agency, that unidentified forces launched today an attack on the Diplomatic Support Complex in Baghdad, an American diplomatic facility, indicating that the attack did not result in any injuries, and the damage assessment process is still ongoing.

The spokesman added that some media reported that the attack took place on or near the “Camp Victory” base, and this information is inaccurate, as the United States handed over control of what was formerly known as “Camp Victory” to the government of Iraq in 2011, and does not currently have a US military base.

He explained that the site that was attacked near Baghdad International Airport is the Diplomatic Support Complex in Baghdad, an American diplomatic facility, calling on the media to update their information to reflect this fact.

Earlier this evening, US Ambassador to Iraq Elena Romansky said that attacks on diplomatic missions in the capital Baghdad “must stop.”

She confirmed in a tweet through her official account, on the X website, that last night he had launched an attack on the diplomatic support complex in Baghdad, an American diplomatic facility, and fortunately, there were no injuries.

Romanski expressed its appreciation for the rapid response of the Government of Iraq to the attack, reiterating its request for cooperation with them to protect the staff and facilities of diplomatic missions and coalition partners. She also called for these attacks to stop.

The target site near Baghdad International Airport was hit early on Tuesday morning by three rockets, the first fell in its vicinity, and the other at the headquarters of the second regiment of the counter-terrorism service, and the other near a runway at the civilian airport, according to a security source told Shafaq News.سیاسة/سفارة-واشنطن-هجوم-الثلاثا-استهدف-منش-ة-دبلوماسية-امريكية-ببغداد

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