Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Can it get any clearer that Iraq is not in control of the RV? BY MNT GOAT, 2 OCT

Can it get any clearer that Iraq is not in control of the RV?

Why would the US allow the RV to happen which would lead to a stream of income from the trading of the IQD on FOREX, if they want to maintain control over Iraq using blackmail methods to do it, thus using money to do it.

 Remember “money talks, bullshit walks”. Please go read the section in this article on “BLACKMAILING IRAQ”. It will be an eye opener for sure for many of you.

This control also includes control over their currency moving back to the currency exchanges

There is no sound legal basis for the hold up, other than the corruption of the US in prolonging the RV in the first place. Get it?

 Most of this corruption would not have taken deep roots if they had let the RV go through in 2012-2013 as planned by Dr Shababi. As I said, and many others, the longer they wait for the RV, the harder it is going to be to uproot the corruption. Was this all intentional? 

Where exactly was a lot of this lost or stolen money going? Did the US politicians get “kickbacks” from Iran the longer they let this go on? Yes, I know this all sounds almost unbelievably corrupt, but I am sorry to say that through Bush, Obama, the Biden, Trump  administrations this scheme did exist. The nuclear deal was just a distraction from the real corruption. Get it?

Yet the US again acts as the bully and gets what it wants, even if it circumvents the sovereignty of Iraq.

 Oh… wait one second! Did the US invade Iraq to free Iraq from the dictatorship of Saddam? It’s been over 20 years already and so where is all this freedom they promised? Remember two points: 

1. Having a constitution does no good unless you follow it; 2. Money talks, bullshit walks. Do you see my point here? So, who is in control of the RV? Oh boy if you can’t see by now that, everything I have been telling you is true and that namely the US through the US Treasury has been holding up the RV, than I give up on you. This article takes all the intel guru guessing from this question. Read my lips, read the lips of the Iraqi people – It is the US that is holding up the RV. Get it now?

So, to conclude my commentary today I am not going to tell you some foolish, stupid bank stories or about some three-letter agency telling me “it’s all done”. Instead, I am going to make you a promise to keep giving you real and honest information from Iraq itself. Remember not to be fooled by all this nonsense from these intel gurus. They lie to you and deceive you. They are doing nothing more than speculating and guessing. Of course they have already taken my recent information and telling you there is a rumor about early 2025 RV. Folks I am here to tell you it is much more than a rumor, unlike their garbage they have been pumping out to you. Some information is not rumors, as these intel gurus can perceive the TRUTH even if it hit them in the head.

Every piece of forthcoming events told to me by my CBI contact so far have come to pass or are now underway. We have seen the consolidation of banks, the dissolving of some banks, and in today’s news we read about the defunding of some. Is this not what the US Treasury is in Iraq to do, as I was told? We also witnessed many educational articles and videos presented to us, sponsored by the CBI, as we were told would happen. We were told prior to June that June would be the kick off of the process of the 3rd phase of the strategic projects for Financial Reforms and we witnessed the US Treasury then get involved. WOW!

I have to drill this into your mind to help you understand what is going on in Iraq.

Then we were told earlier that the project to delete the zeros, could not occur unless the US Treasury gave its assurances to complete the process once started, which meant to go all the way to the reinstatement (end of process).

It could not do this at that time and then the US Treasury finally stepped in and is now more forcefully and aggressively moving these reforms ahead. 

We seem to see only mostly the banking reforms but they are also working to help recommend procedures and regulations of the Iraqi Stock Market (ISX) and get it back on track too. These are also reforms in case you forgot.

 According to the US Treasury these reforms are necessary to combat corruption. Just so you remember my contact also told us that Ali Al-Alaq was not leaving the CBI as the director and his resignation was NOT accepted. He really did not want to leave but used this tactic for pressure to get the GOI Finance Committee to listen to him and to appreciate his plan to get to the reinstatement.

Many don’t want to listen and instead believe you can just hurry the process. This reminds me of many of the intel gurus out on the web that know absolutely almost nothing about what is really happening in Iraq.

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