Thursday, September 26, 2024


Q & A

Question from ilovethebeach011:

Hello! I have a question regarding the exchange rate after the DTZ. Based on my understanding a 25,000 IQD note will become a 25 IQD note. Let’s say for this example in the USA the rate ends up being .285 ($3.50 USD). Does this mean we would be exchanging a 25,000 IQD note x $3.50 for $87,500 USD -OR- would it be 25 IQD note x $3.50 for $87.50 USD?

Thank you so much to anyone able to explain this to me. 

Answer from Mnt Goat:

First of all, what the hell is a DTZ? Who the hell have you been listening to?

To answer your questions please see this section in my blog. Please click on this LINK. It has been out there for a long time. Why don’t you click on it? Why didn’t you use the resources I provide you in my blog first? 

This is exactly why I am here in my blog. I know all about the confusion and all the lies about this investment. These gurus are just a bunch of idiots trying to make a dollar off of fake intel. So, let’s at least get you on the right path. I am here to help those people who get al mixed up and confused by all this intel guru bullshit out there, especially TNT Tony, Bruce on Bigcall and MarkZ. Ouch..,, it hurts… Please click on the link to check out the rest of my blog. I hope this helps.  

So, take out your currency. Lay it on the table and look at a 25,000 note. What does it say on it? Does it have 25000 or 25 on the face value? Enough said…. 😊

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