Sunday, September 8, 2024


 Mark Z excerpt: 9.7.24

MZ: Big article on Iraq this weekend “ US-Iraq Deal : Near Quarter century long pentagon occupation to finally end”   

From Zero hedge. They are starting to phase out the occupations between now and September 2025.

Member:  That's great news!

MZ: What did Trump tell us years ago?  That we would leave as soon as Iraq paid us everything ….There is a window telling us we will finally get this thing. 

Member: So are we waiting until 2025 now?

MZ: That does not mean we are waiting until then….It does not mean that at all. They just announced they are pulling out and have started the process. I do not think they would already be starting the process if they did not know the date they are getting all their money. We were told the US would leave when we got our money……and now they are leaving..."

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