Monday, September 2, 2024



Article: "Two conditions to achieve it .. Al-Sudani's advisor rules out removing 3 zeros from the currency"

  These articles, this misleading, is intentional right now...Contradicting statements are found throughout all of these statements, all of these articles...The 25 note has to become a 25k note

 There isn't even a 25 note...When did Iraq last have a 25 note?  Never.



[Iraqi bank friend Aki update] 

Question:  You're asking us why we are not talking to you about these [lower note] commercials.  Can you tell us more about them

 AKI:  Yes, they are coming out.  This is the media campaign we told you about.  It's getting faster and faster and louder and louder.  

The purpose is to show the citizens the new lower notes and more information. 

 These commercials are coming out at any time now...Nothing is in the way to block this next step.  It is a massive media campaign.  

[[Iraqi bank friend Aki update]

New York is to remove the red tape that the United Nations is still holding on the banks of Iraq that are not participating in the monetary reform.  

These sanctioned banks may stay sanctioned or be shut down completely. 

 It really doesn't matter to the monetary reform process but this is something that is needed to be done.

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 TNT Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update  “Banks got memos  yesterday Tues. 17 Sept.  telling them to get ready and be there this morning because ...