Wednesday, September 18, 2024



 [via PDK]   Question:  …about a month ago you talked about how your contacts said your Dinar estimate was “way too low.” You were at like $3.70…so are we talking about $5? $7? $10?

  MarkZ:   All they are telling me is my estimates are way too low.


 [via PDK]   I ...heard they [rates on bank screens] are changing and fluctuating. I am hoping this means they are priming the system again. My banking contacts say they are seeing many different rates…rates are rolling all over the place…Hopefully they are checking the system and priming the system….

Member: Is Zim still supposed to be in the first basket?

MZ: That is what I believe and what I hear from my best contacts…

Member: According to Militiaman the HCL is finished.

Member: Who gives Iraq permission to go???

MZ: At this point I believe it’s a compilation of the IMF, World Bank and the UN …but it is very confusing. The president of Iraq says it's up to the CBI now….But , if it’s up to the CBI I am thinking they would already have released it. 

Member: Mark- Do you believe the new lower denoinations have already been printed in Iraq?

MZ: Yes I do…We have seen the contracts years ago and the paid receipts from the government of Iraq with DeLaRue to print them…... Many contacts in Iraq have seen the cut sheets (samples of LD’s) in banks.

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 TNT Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update  “Banks got memos  yesterday Tues. 17 Sept.  telling them to get ready and be there this morning because ...