Monday, September 2, 2024

Iraq participates in the meeting of the Arab Economic Council, 2 SEPT

  Iraq participates in the meeting of the Arab Economic Council

The Arab Economic Committee is scheduled to begin its work today, Monday, to prepare for the 114th session of the Arab League's Economic and Social Council, which will be held at the ministerial level next Thursday, with the participation of the Minister of Trade, Athir Dawood Salman Al-Ghariri.

Iraq will be represented in the meetings of the Economic and Social Council by two delegations, the first from the Ministry of Labor, which will attend the meetings of the Arab Social Committee, while the second delegation will be from the Ministry of Trade and will participate in the meeting of the Economic Committee.

The Arab Social Committee held its meeting yesterday, Sunday, with the participation of a delegation from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and a number of decisions were submitted to the Council.
The ministerial meeting of the Economic and Social Council next Thursday, in which the Minister of Trade will participate, will be preceded by a meeting of senior officials in the Council the day after tomorrow, Wednesday.

Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Social Affairs Sector, Ambassador Dr. Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, stated that the 114th session of the Economic and Social Council began its work with the Council's Social Committee.

Abu-Ghazaleh added that the Social Committee reviewed the report of the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, which included all the efforts and activities that took place between the two sessions of the Council in various sectors of joint Arab social and development work.

She continued that the report focused on continuing to implement the social dimensions of the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan, supporting vulnerable groups in society, and other activities related to persons with disabilities and the elderly, health, youth, women, family and childhood, population policies, civil society and human rights, migration and expatriates, education, scientific research, culture and dialogue of civilizations.  link

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