Tuesday, September 17, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Parliamentary Finance Committee Discusses Proposal to Establish Sovereign Fund in Iraq 2024, 17 SEPT

 Parliamentary Finance Committee Discusses Proposal to Establish Sovereign Fund in Iraq 2024

On September 17, 2024, the Parliamentary Finance Committee convened to discuss a proposal for the establishment of a sovereign fund in Iraq.  This initiative aims to manage and invest the country's oil revenues more effectively, ensuring sustainable economic growth and diversification. 

Background of the Proposal

The proposal to create a sovereign fund in Iraq emerged from the need to stabilize the national economy, reduce reliance on oil revenues, and invest in long-term projects that benefit future generations.  Historically, Iraq's economy has been heavily dependent on oil exports, which account for over 90% of government revenues. 

Current Economic Situation in Iraq

As of September 17, 2024, Iraq is facing economic challenges, including a 15.7% decline in exports during the first quarter of the year.  This decrease in exports has impacted government revenues and highlighted the need for economic diversification and fiscal stability.

The Role of the Parliamentary Finance Committee

The Parliamentary Finance Committee plays a crucial role in overseeing the national budget and financial policies. The committee's discussions on the sovereign fund proposal are expected to address issues such as fund management, investment strategies, and the potential impact on Iraq's fiscal health. 

Proposed Benefits of the Sovereign Fund

Economic Diversification

The sovereign fund is intended to promote economic diversification by investing in non-oil sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology. This diversification is essential for reducing the country's vulnerability to oil price fluctuations. 

Fiscal Stability

By setting aside a portion of oil revenues, the sovereign fund can serve as a fiscal buffer during periods of low oil prices or economic downturns. This stability is crucial for maintaining government services and public spending. 

Long-Term Investment

The fund will enable long-term investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare, contributing to the overall development of the country and improving the quality of life for Iraqis. 

Challenges and Concerns

Governance and Transparency

Establishing a sovereign fund requires robust governance frameworks and transparent operations to prevent corruption and ensure that funds are used for the intended purposes. 

Investment Strategies

Selecting appropriate investment strategies is critical to the fund's success. This includes balancing risk and return, as well as diversifying investments across various asset classes and geographies. 

Political Stability

Political stability is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the sovereign fund. Ongoing political tensions and security concerns could undermine the fund's objectives and investor confidence. 


The proposal to establish a sovereign fund in Iraq is a significant step toward achieving economic diversification, fiscal stability, and long-term investment in the country. As of September 17, 2024, the Parliamentary Finance Committee's discussions on the proposal indicate a commitment to exploring strategies that address the nation's economic challenges and promote sustainable growth.

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