Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Context of the Conference

Fouad Hussein's Engagement with the US on the International Coalition Against ISIS

On September 1, 2024, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein met with the US Ambassador, Alina Romanowski, in Washington to discuss the international coalition conference against ISIS. The conference aimed at assessing the ongoing efforts and future strategies in combating the remnants of the Islamic State group in the region.

The conference was part of a broader dialogue between Iraq and the US, reflecting the strategic relationship and mutual interests in maintaining security and stability in Iraq and the broader Middle East. The discussions also touched upon the future of the US military presence in Iraq, with the Biden administration signaling an openness to redefine the strategic relationship between Baghdad and Washington. 

Key Points of Discussion

While details of the conference discussions were not fully disclosed, a senior Iraqi diplomatic source revealed that the talks centered around three main points. First, the potential announcement of an end to the international mission to fight ISIS, which would necessitate a reevaluation of the strategic relationship between Iraq and the US. Second, the US military withdrawal from Iraq was discussed, with the understanding that it would depend on certain conditions and outcomes from the conference. 

Implications for Iraq-US Relations

The meeting between Fouad Hussein and the US Ambassador highlighted the ongoing negotiations and the evolving nature of Iraq-US relations. It underscored the importance of cooperation in addressing security challenges and the role of the international coalition in combating terrorism. 

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