Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Legal Document Detailing The Opening Of Corruption Files In Previous Governments, 4 SEPT

 A Legal Document Detailing The Opening Of Corruption Files In Previous Governments

September 2, 2024  Baghdad/Iraq Observer  Followers commented on the government’s efforts to fight corruption by saying:
“This is credited to the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, which has shown a significant decline in corruption operations and in various official sectors, while they indicated that
those who work to distract it from its national approach confirm that it is from the opposite side of some of the parties that were attacked.” Its interests, which have no balance due to it.  They said:
“The campaigns aimed at arousing public opinion and obstructing the state’s work in various fields mean that there are those who insist on backwardness and barbarism,” while
they commented on the inaccurate information that was provided to divert the investigation from its correct path, and that
direct accusation of the government regarding issues that are now subject to judicial review.
“It confirms once again that they have been banned and may be involved in corruption cases.”

And you have life in retaliation
In turn, legal researcher Ali Al-Tamimi confirmed:  
“The Sudanese President’s opening of an investigation into the raised cases of corruption, eavesdropping, fraud and fraud in previous sessions is a legal procedure in accordance with Article 17 of the State Employees Discipline Law and also Articles 15 and 16 of the Cabinet Regulations 2 of 2019.”

 Al-Tamimi told the  “Iraq Observer” agency that what the committee decides is what is binding either on referring the accused to the judiciary and everyone whose name appears in the investigations or making administrative decisions regarding withdrawal and residency, and
this approach is what the Sudanese government clearly confirmed in the ministerial curriculum.  The legal expert explained:
“The major campaign launched by the Integrity and Crime Follow-up Commission in accordance with the principle that no one is above the law, including those accused of special degrees, whatever they may be, is an approach that is consistent with the goals of criminal punishment that aim to deter and achieve social justice.
It is also consistent with the philosophy of criminal law that It aims to prevent the commission of crimes in the future, according to the principle of cleaning the ladder from top to bottom.  According to Al-Tamimi:
 “This campaign needs to be implemented retroactively, especially since these crimes are not subject to statute of limitations or the passage of time, and
they relate to public funds in accordance with Article 27 of the Iraqi Constitution, and it follows an internal and external line in terms of recovering the accused and the funds.”
The legal expert pointed out that this needs to be accompanied by a media and awareness campaign about the seriousness of these crimes and their harsh punishments according to Iraqi laws. Also,
we should not forget the role of clerics and schools and we suggest that these crimes be taught in schools and colleges, to work according to a future strategy.  He stated:
 “The Integrity Commission also dared us with another principle, which is money before the accused, and it also helped in recovering the looted money internally and externally.

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