Saturday, August 17, 2024

Warnings of National Currency Collapse and Position Rotation in 2024 , 17 AUGUST

Warnings of National Currency Collapse and Position Rotation in 2024

As of August 17, 2024, warnings of a potential collapse of the national currency and discussions surrounding the rotation of positions have been prominent in economic circles.  These warnings are rooted in the financial instability that has characterized the global economy, particularly in the United States, where banking crises have been a recurrent concern.

Understanding the BTFP and Its Impact

The Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) was a critical response by the Federal Reserve to the failures of regional banks in 2023. These banks, including Signature, Silvergate, and Silicon Valley, were brought down by mass withdrawals due to customer concerns and the need to cover losses.   The BTFP helped stabilize the situation by allowing banks to borrow funds using their bonds as collateral, thus preventing further bank runs and providing a temporary solution to the liquidity crisis.

Weaknesses of the U.S. Dollar

The U.S. dollar, while a global reserve currency, is not immune to weaknesses that could trigger a collapse.  The fundamental weakness lies in its value being based solely on government fiat, a situation shared by other major national currencies. This lack of intrinsic value and the reliance on the government's promise of its worth can lead to instability if confidence in the government's fiscal policies erodes.

Rising Debt and Economic Concerns

The debt levels of the United States in 2024 have also been a cause for alarm, with analysts warning of a brewing crisis.  The accumulation of debt has the potential to undermine the economy's stability, especially if interest rates rise, increasing the cost of servicing the debt.

Market Predictions and Rate Cuts

Predictions for the stock market in 2024 indicate a cautious optimism, with expectations of rate cuts and a potentially mild economic downturn.  However, these predictions are contingent on several factors, including the effectiveness of monetary policy and the resilience of the global economy.

Financial Stability and Geopolitical Risks

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has highlighted risks to global financial stability, emphasizing that vulnerabilities in the banking system could turn into serious issues if the hoped-for soft landing of the global economy does not occur. Geopolitical tensions also pose significant challenges, with the potential for financial fragmentation and implications for the stability of financial markets.

The Rise of Nontraditional Reserve Currencies

In a striking development, the IMF has noted a decline in the U.S. dollar's share of allocated foreign reserves, which has not been offset by increases in the shares of other major currencies.  Instead, nontraditional reserve currencies such as the Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, Chinese renminbi, South Korean won, Singaporean dollar, and Nordic currencies have seen a rise in their shares. This shift can be attributed in part to new digital financial technologies and the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies.


The warnings of a national currency collapse and the rotation of positions in 2024 reflect the complex interplay of economic factors, including debt levels, banking stability, and geopolitical risks. The potential for a U.S. dollar collapse, while not imminent, is a concern that has gained traction due to the weakening of traditional reserve currency roles and the rise of alternatives. These developments underscore the need for careful economic planning and policy adjustments to navigate the challenges ahead.


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