Thursday, August 22, 2024


Wed. 21 Aug. 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram:

 This RV is a Private Exchange, not a public one. The special exchange and/or redemption has special rates for currency – a Contract rate for a couple of currencies. One being the Iraqi Dinar, which is being given as a result of an Oil for Dinar agreement between Iraq and the countries that provided troops during the process to remove Saddam Hussein. 

 The purchase of oil in Dinar from Iraq will start as soon as the Revaluation starts.  The Pre-revaluation Dinar will be used to purchase the oil at the new revalued price.  For example, the current 25,000 Dinar note has a value against the US Dollar 1,460 dinar to 1 USD.

 The 25,000 notes we have are those notes. The 25,000 Dinar notes we hold will be exchanged by the US Treasury at a high rate because they in turn will be used to purchase oil from Iraq after revaluation at face value as if they were the new notes.  That means that a 25,000 Dinar note can currently buy about $17.00 worth of oil, however after revaluation that same note can buy around $93,000 worth of oil. 

The Contract rate and the lower International rate are given to us in the Private exchange as a payment for what the US spent in that war. Vietnam holds a very high amount of Dinar and China has put their weight behind the Dongs revalue rate so that they can get the Dong after we exchange it, and the swap it for the Dinar that Vietnam has in order for them to buy oil with those old notes.

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   Militia Man     They changed the name to currency window as opposed to auction.   That represents foreign currencies. Article quote ...