Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The power of the "Federal Forces"... Iraq is moving to achieve financial autonomy, 7 AUGUST

 The United States of America still dominates the Iraqi economy through economic agreements concluded by Washington according to what primarily serves its interests, as the American administration seeks to block the way for those trying to rid the country of its control over Iraqi oil sales funds. 

The United States of America continues to impose its influence on Iraq in many vital files, including depositing the funds from the sale of Iraqi oil in the US Federal Bank, amid clear blackmail by passing many files, most notably the dollar bill, which puts great pressure on the government.  

Iraq seeks to get rid of this dominance by depositing the money in the Federal Bank and sending it directly to the Central Bank. 

Speaking about this file, Al-Fatah Alliance member Ali Hussein calls on the government to seek to find alternatives and take the step of liberating the country from the dominance of the dollar and the continuing American sanctions, while stressing that Iraq's move towards lifting the restrictions of the US Federal Bank is a must.  

Hussein said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “ It will be a bold step, but it will succeed if the atmosphere is created and contracts are made with alternative international banks,” noting that “it is necessary to bring in companies from international countries.” that do not deal in the US dollar.”  

He continues, “Entering into the Shanghai system and other global organizations will be the first stage of liberation from the dollar,” adding that “the movement to end the dollar’s ​​hegemony over the world, led by major countries, has greatly succeeded.”  

He adds, “Contracting from companies from Eastern countries and bringing them to work inside Iraq will avoid the economic blockade,” pointing out that “the government is required to seek to find alternatives and take the step of liberating the country from the dominance of the dollar and American sanctions."  link

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