Friday, August 2, 2024



Article:   "Alia Nassif: The Central Bank's policy is pushing Iraqi banks towards execution!

 What would the central bank's policy be?  The monetary reform...The Central Bank of Iraq is telling the Iraqi citizens that we are in favor of removing certain banks from our country.  Why?   Because they don't want to go along with a monetary reform because they keep delaying the process of Sudani bringing out the new exchange rate and lower notes.

 Sudani is in control of his reforms.  Yeah, you still got a lot of troublemakers.  When you've been able to steal all your life and you depend on it and then all of a sudden it stops, you go into shock...Your sugar money stopped...Panic is what causes the bad people in Iraq to continually try to steal this monetary reform because the monetary reform will bring a new exchange rate, purchasing power and the lower notes.  But if you do that then there's no way to steal the money anymore.  It's a good thing for the Iraqi citizens...

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