Monday, August 5, 2024



  Put on your big-boy pants.  The whole point of this is watching so we know where we are at, whether we stay in or move to a different investment...I clearly stated and I'm going to repeat it right now - I've always been pro the dinar revaluing, there are certain things that have to happen.  That's never changed.  But what's coming up and our policy towards Iraq has put me into neutral zone...Right now I'm not getting out.  Let's see what happens that comes on down the road. 

 United States sanctioned the living hell out of Iran.  Iran is using the banks and financial system Iraq has to move around that to get U.S. dollars and we [The United States] are sick and tired of it...We're changing the policy...

The Central Bank of Iraq, they want to do what Washington wants them to do.  They want to be part of the International community.   But the problem is there are these private banks and different financial instruments in Iraq that are completely in bed with Iran. 

 There seems to be a problem with separation.  So the United States is going to punish Iraq for not being able to handle it correctly is what's going to happen...The United States is saying enough is enough, we're not screwing around anymore.  We're protecting the financial system as much as possible but it's being abused by people who don't like us...

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