Thursday, August 15, 2024

💢Q & A - EAS & Lockdowns - what to expect.....BY GINGER, 15 AUGUST

 ðŸ’¢Q & A - EAS & Lockdowns - what to expect.....

💢Member: Q - So the question would be if this is true and certain,  will we even know about the “lockdown “ if we are NOT in one of the affected areas?  Because this was supposed to be the cover for traveling to the camping area?

💢 Piscees Girl nailed it - A - You may not know if your not in an effected area..

I do not and have not ever thought that there will be or needs to be a total lockdown for us to go camping..

It’s been explained that if you live in an area that needs more clean up (bigger cities or the border cities) there will be restrictions, curfews or some kind of lockdown in place. 

You will still be able to move about just with restrictions.. Just listen to the instructions from the military and you’ll be fine. 

I do not think this will be a big ordeal. 

💢 Ginger - 🎯 Perfect! 💯

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