Saturday, August 3, 2024


 💥💥💥Live Saturday 💥💥💥

          Just Mayhem with Mel


💥Welcome Everybody 💥

💥welcome to our US listeners and all Countries from around the world💥

💥Latest RV news….💥

💥💥 August 13 , US Foreign Asset CONTROL OFFICE💥💥 To release the Moscow Exchange clearing house  that the Safe Keeping Assets (SKR) to be licensed going forward thru Oct 12💥💥

💥Base ever on Fundamentals / staying grounded💥

💥See Articles linked, Goldilocks 💥

💥Iraq joins Management Operations   that modernizes hospitals ( Med Beds ?)💥

💥A Project had been underway that Commissioned Removal of Corruption  moving forward / Have arrested 8 corrupted defendants/ seized 1,244 land transactions/ moving forward 💥

💥Both inside and outside Iraq the BIGGEST RECOVERY in a Century 💥

💥💥Iraq signed agreement with BP …to have OIL back their Currency 💥💥HUGH AGREEMENT moving them forward into what we are waiting for for💥💥💥HUGH💥💥💥

💥US Calling out the UN to step up their purposes/ to Promote PEACE AND SECURITY in the WORLD💥

💥Aug 1 Meeting with OPEC , was their 555 meeting/ 12 Countries joined, some being: Algeria, UAE, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Nigeria, Q8, IRAQ, and of course Saudi Arabia who is chairman of OPEC💥💥meeting to stabilize Markets and return INVESTMENTS thereto 💥💥

💥Asian Pacific Countries come together for Recovery, as is Singapore Development BANK : correlation to BRICS Bank….💥💥

💥India and Vietnam teaming up partnership with Blockchain cross/ off border payments…..💥💥

💥Aug 5…Starting a passport program in Singapore….💥

💥Anyone post the last Frank 26 , it was taken down 💥💥

💥Aug 15, Digital Stellar to launch in Indonesia….💥

💥Watch our Sizzling Sunday tomorrow 💥interesting things popping up up💥

💥Watching CERN, 3GorgeDam, etc.

Join in for more detailed information on pop up mentions / Monday Madness with Mel coming up 💥

💥Aug 4 Watch New Moon….more black outs? We shall see💥

💥In US state of KY  the 45 State to join the States in removing taxes on the purchase of Gold / Silver/ to Enact the tax exemption💥

💥7 Countries: some include, Russia/ US, Germany/ to release Business..

In correlation to the 7 Countries/ 7 Kingdoms / we have been waiting to reappear 💥

💥Indonesia heavily involved with QFS/ and Turkey…. Have skipped 5G and went straight from 4G to 6G…See links…💥

💥6G is of the wireless technology 💥See Article links on 6G💥

💥Government Funds : See links, use discernment: Funds that are seized are reappear back into the RV… see Article links…..💥

💥Good video with SGANON file 78 💥  going back to Gold Standard..💥

💥Aug 7 Ripple case with SEC releases…💥

💥Aug 12, the Olympic Drama 💥

💥Goldilocks Article mentions ISO’s in correlation to my History of Currencies/ thereto in a recent Mayhem with Mel ….💥Hit a marker💥

💥💥💥See you on Sizzling Sunday💥💥Watch Monday Madness, will discuss the XRP going off line(off ledger) …..will provide links then ….💥

💥💥💥Stay HAPPY, stay safe, stay calm and grounded…Stay Peaceful. Talk soon …..💥💥💥

💥💥💥Live Saturday with Mayhem 

     with Mel 💥💥💥by td USA

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