Sunday, August 18, 2024


 Mnt Goat   


The US Treasury is now parked in the CBI building and is not going anywhere until the dollar sales is controlled and the parallel rate matches (or is very close to) the dinar rate... this move by the US Treasury was so that they could move to the next step of the currency reform. So it is a very positive thing for us investors.


Mnt Goat  

 Article quote:  “introduction of new currency does not mean the destruction of ancient coins, but it will continue to trade to about ten years”.

 How can this possibly...“lop” when they will continue trade and use these larger three zero notes in the background for 10 more years after they complete the Project...So no more negative stuff about a LOP…please! 


Well,,,, Well ! We are almost halfway through August already and still no RV. Did you actually expect there to be an RV last weekend….lol.. lol. .lol.. 😊 All you idiot intel gurus with your meaningless predictions for an RV over the weekend. Yes, their crystal balls must not be working… 😊 I could have told you there would be no RV…. Oh wait,,,, I did! 😊 Why we haven’t yet seen the RV should not be a major concern of anyone anymore. What you should be thinking about most is the exchange of the currency and how to manage your money afterwards. The RV will come and it is on its way. But not yet as there is work to be done in Iraq to get to this point. 

So, today’s news stems around two issues. One is the banking and monetary reforms and the other is the Project to Delete the Zeros. 

Let’s talk about the Project to Delete the Zeros first. 

Yes, the Project to Delete the zeros popped it’s head up again in the news.But why is our first question. yes, why now? This time it is a serious and a very informative set of interviews with two of the leading Iraqi economists. In the interviews we get to hear what they are thinking as resolutions to the economic issues facing the dollar and dinar. They must get this parallel black market under control. I have included the actual news media coverage video of the interviews in the Articles Section below OR you can read a full transcript of the interviews in the blog also. I set the captions to English. Here is the link to the written transcript

I cannot emphasize enough that if you want to know what is truly holding up the RV inside Iraq then please, please go and watch the video or read and study the transcript of the video. It is so informative and even I learned so much from it. Yes, I ...FOR READ MORE:

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