Friday, August 9, 2024


 Militia Man

 Article quote: "Even the measures taken by the government to try to down low dollar prices to 1320 to sell it in a supported manner didn't not reach the elimination of speculation in the markets reducing the price of a dollar in the black market."

  It didn't work to kill the black market just yet but I got a strong feeling since the dollar auctions have gone from 250 million a day down to less than 25 million...consistently for over a week...we can see where their priorities lie.

 Iraq is still being able to function.  They told us their 2023-24 budget was legal, has always been and they're moving forward with it...Even though we haven't seen an exchange rate change they can still function, which is fine.. .Now they're starting to do things that are getting their banks in order and we're seeing the results of that. 

  Article:  "Central Bank Governor's Resignation: Admission of Failure or Escape from the Repercussions of the Financial Crisis?"  

Do we really think at this stage of where the reforms are now and how far they have come to even suggest Al-Alaq is going to go to Al-Sudani and give his resignation...Al-Alaq in present terms has kept the country in a state of financial stability to date...This is a hit piece. One that is not surprising as the dollar auctions have dried up. That is very painful to those that lived off the cash cow... We shall see if it arrives and he steps aside as they put it...

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Iraqi Central Bank: The low price of oil has nothing to do with the high dollar exchange rates, 19 SEPT

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