Monday, August 26, 2024



Not much going on in Iraq right now. CBI Allaq who resigned is going to Washington to ask for the sanctions to be lifted. We wait on Israel to do their Dubai strike, while everything else happens. 




WE’RE A GREAT PEOPLE…A people of politeness and hospitality. Our DNA as a people is excellent. We are blessed with many endowments. If we could just get our politics right and get our nation to be born again. We have everything. We have a unique God-given gift of resources-the human resources, the natural resources, the material resources and the

spiritual resources. #JustImagine If we could come together, pull together and walk together, the world will see a WINNING NATION and SHINING COUNTRY on the African continent and beyond. Blessed Friday #JustImagine #NewDawn #Godisinit


This is the latest update we can find from Nelson Chanisa concerning Zimbabwe. Nothing official has come out yet regarding the elections. As soon as it’s official, we’ll let you know accordingly. 👆🏻👆🏻


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