Saturday, August 31, 2024

Iraq elected to chair the Group of 77 and China at the United Nations, 31 AUGUST

 Iraq elected to chair the Group of 77 and China at the United Nations

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced, today, Saturday (August 31, 2024), the selection of Iraq to chair the Group of 77 and China ( G77 ) at the United Nations for the year 2025, after the Asia-Pacific Group meeting held to discuss Iraq's nomination for this position.

The ministry said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", that "the Chargé d'Affairs of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations in New York, Abbas Kazim Obaid, delivered a speech in which he affirmed Iraq's vision for its role during its presidency of the group, highlighting the main axes of work and stressing Iraq's commitment to the basic principles of the group, especially with regard to supporting the goals and aspirations of developing countries in achieving economic, technological, and social development.

Obaid stressed that "Iraq will work to provide all the elements of success for this presidency, which is the first for Iraq since the establishment of the group, as Iraq was one of the founding countries 60 years ago.

The statement added, "At the end of the meeting, the resolution was unanimously adopted to support the Republic of Iraq to assume the presidency of the Group of 77 and China ( G77 ), as the member states offered congratulations to Iraq and expressed their readiness to support it in its tasks during this important presidency. In another speech, the Chargé d'Affaires expressed his gratitude for the support and endorsement of the Asia-Pacific Group and its confidence in entrusting this responsibility to Iraq, stressing his readiness to work and cooperate with the member states to achieve common goals.

It is worth noting that the Group of 77 and China is the largest group of countries in the United Nations, with 134 member countries  link

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