Sunday, August 4, 2024

Investment Reveals The Location Of The First Economic City In Iraq, 4 AUGUST

 Economy | 10:11 - 02/08/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad    The National Investment Commission revealed on Friday the location of the first economic city in Iraq, noting that economic cities represent investment portfolios capable of attracting and bringing in local and foreign capital.

Hanan Jassim, the spokesperson for the Investment Commission, said: "The Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Haider Muhammad Makiya, during his meeting in the presence of committee members and representatives of the ministries and relevant sectoral bodies from Maysan Governorate, called for the importance of intensifying efforts and coordinating them in a detailed and precise manner that contributes to creating a realistic vision and a successful announcement for investors, businessmen and companies wishing to make this type of investment."

She added that "the attendees were informed of the full borders of the regions distributed according to the projects to be established and the ownership of the lands with the possibility of expanding some of them," indicating that "it was agreed on the importance of preparing a clear map of road networks, water and electricity sources and other requirements for granting investment licenses for these projects, which will be among the topics and discussions of the upcoming meetings."

Jassim pointed out that "the committee's work witnessed the presentation of a number of proposals and ideas that support the implementation of such projects, based on the Prime Minister's approval of the minutes and recommendations of the Diwani Order Committee (23674), which decided to form the Higher Committee for the Economic Development and Advancement of the Al-Tayeb Area in Maysan Governorate and its Neighboring Areas, headed by the Chairman of the National Investment Commission and the membership of various state bodies, including the Governor of Maysan, the Chairman of the Maysan Investment Commission, the Chairman of the Industrial Cities Authority in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, in addition to a number of general managers in the Ministries of Finance, Planning, Oil and Education and a representative of the Prime Minister's Office."

Jassim explained that "the Higher Committee for the Development and Advancement of the Al-Tayeb Area in Maysan Governorate and its Neighboring Areas has actually begun its work, headed by the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Haider Mohammed Makiya."

She stressed that "the development and Advancement of the Al-Tayeb Area, southeast of Maysan Governorate, will be the first economic city in Iraq and will represent a successful model and an economic resource for the state that can be applied in other governorates of the country,"

explaining that "this model will represent diverse and ready investment portfolios capable of attracting and bringing in local and foreign capital."

She continued, "Al-Tayeb City will include a group of diverse projects in various economic specializations, including projects specialized in the residential sector, others in the industrial sector, and other economic projects,

in addition to recreational and academic projects," noting that "developing the region will achieve a great economic return that will contribute to stimulating the economic base in the governorate, and providing job opportunities for the governorate's people."

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