Wednesday, August 28, 2024



So, I wanted to share that good news and the next part is about the lower denominations. So, there's been rumors going around that there's lower denominations have been released. That was the key word that the gurus said, “released,” and this information I'm bringing you is coming from two people that are Liberty Loungers extraordinaire that have family inside Iraq.

 One of them has a family member who is a part of the parliament in the financial committee that's rolling out the Iraq financial reforms. 

And as of Friday, and Saturday when she reached out to me, she said, I'm going to be a part, out to him, they could not confirm, there was no official release of lower denominations. And she went on to say, “You know, TNT likes to be ahead of everyone else, so maybe he's making it educated, guess I'll let you know more as soon as I hear.”

Then I got another message today, confirming from another friend who has family inside Iraq. She said, “From my source, and then yesterday Mark Z was saying the same thing, that they are seeing old lower denominations that were used years ago, those are in play.

 But not the new ones yet. People are getting confused on this. Mark even showed us a lower denomination that he had last year, and some of those are still out there in Iraq. So that's probably what people are seeing, and they're mistaking for the new notes, which have indeed already been printed, and they've been seen as far as, 

you know, people are aware that they're out as far as they're printed and they're in the ATMs, but they are not out as far as released to my knowledge,” she said. And Mark, of course, agreed with that they've not been officially released but we know that is going to be the step when the official RV happens. So, I thought that was pretty encouraging just to get the facts on that to avoid confusion.

And the next bit of news is there was a little post, a screenshot that's been going around viral this weekend saying that, yeah, there's a cute post that says everything has to happen in duplicate, everything has to happen twice, I guess, for like validation for the White Hats setting the stage, and because of this delegation in the U.S.A., this means we're here, this has happened twice.

And I just wanted to, you know, just call fake news, because Iraq has been here at least four times, if not five times. To my knowledge from following this very, very, very closely, absolutely more than two, I actually remember the first time my jaw dropped when they were here, it was actually Nancy Pelosi, of all people, who celebrated and acknowledged Al-Sudani for Iraq regaining their sovereign status.

So, yeah, they've definitely been here more than twice in recent, very recent years. So, all is looking good, everything is positive. We were seeing Militiaman, TNT, and others quoting this whole D.C., you know, information that is just not true. But definitely they will be back in D.C. in October, and lots of good things happening. But we know that the, you know, the trip here to New York City is also beneficial.

So, there's nothing slowing this down. Everything is positive. Everything is encouraging. Keep your chin up. And, you know, all is well, and just wanted to just help confirm, you know, the truth of what's really going on, and it’s the 27th of August, of 2024, and this is Ginger of the Liberty Lounge signing out.

Due to this being an informative message only, there is no Q&A attached.

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