Wednesday, August 28, 2024



So, my friend, who is a member of the Liberty Lounge family, she loves the channel and it's her go-to spot for the news of the day and to stay in tune with all of the “Camper News”, that's what we like to call the RV around here, and she's a lovely lady and just happens to be from my home state, Virginia. She is in government. She's asked me to keep her name and role anonymous, but she does rub shoulders with folks in government. She's a true patriot, a true conservative, and a lover of freedom.


Well, she had the privilege of meeting Al Alaq back in April when the

delegation was last here. And they absolutely hit it off. As soon as she met

them, she said, “Now when you go home to Baghdad, you need to drop those

zeros,” and they laughed. And she also mentioned, you know, the rate,

knowing what the rate was going to be, and they were like,

 “What? How did you know that?”, they were so intrigued by her awareness and

understanding of the financial reforms with Iraq. 

They were super impressed, so they had a really beautiful and genuine connection. They even were talking about the new notes that were to come out, etc., and had a very

pleasant conversation. To which Al Alaq said to her, “Wow, if I wasn't hopping on a plane right now, we would love to take you out to dinner to discuss this some more.”


They had a really nice conversation. She sent me a picture taken with Al Alaq and this was in D.C. and she was wearing a beautiful green dress and he had on a dark, dark gray suit with a sky blue tie and a beautiful warm smile. And she sent me some helpful information. Our friend listens to the same news that you and I listen to, so she wanted, you know, to just reach out to me just to correct some misinformation that has been going on. It seems that TNT, Militiaman, were saying that there's a delegation in D.C. going on right now. 

Much love to everybody who's sharing information, I know we're all just trying to do the best we can to have the most reliable info, so you know, no slam on these gentlemen at all, I love and respect all of these folks, what they're doing, but just wanted to let you know that they're not in D.C. at all. She actually sent a message to Al Alaq, and they are in New York. 

So, she said, “I spoke with Al Alaq, the CBI Director, he goes by Ali, he's not in D.C. this time, but he will be back in October and hopefully I'll be able to have dinner with him then if I'm not out of the country. Sending some Virginia love,” and she signed her name.

So, they did confirm that they are in New York though, so she went on to say yeah, “TNT is saying that he's in D.C., I don't know where he's getting his information from,” but she said his source is full of it or they're not letting anyone know the truth about, you know, the developments this week.”

She went on to say she met Al Sudani, she met the military attaché’ that travels with them, she also met the personal advisor to Al Sudani, and the ambassador.

She reached out to the ambassador today and sent me a screenshot of his response to her just a confirmation that there is not a delegation in D.C. at all. The ambassador is reaffirming that they are in New York.

And the cool news is when he, Al Sudani, or sorry Al Alaq comes back to the U.S. to D.C., more specifically, in October, he's invited her to connect for dinner and she's invited me to join them for a special dinner with the Iraq delegation since I'm in Virginia and not too terribly far away and I thought that was just super-duper exciting..............TO BE CONTINUED

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