Monday, August 26, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION : Approval of Industrial Investment Law in Iraq: An Overview, 26 AUGUST

Approval of Industrial Investment Law in Iraq: An Overview

On Monday, August 26, 2024, the head of the Parliamentary Investment Committee, Muhammad Al-Zayadi, announced that the final touches had been put in place to approve the Industrial Investment Law within the House of Representatives.  This significant development marks a crucial step towards strengthening the industrial sector and attracting more foreign direct investment (FDI) in Iraq.

Economic Context and Objectives

The approval of the Industrial Investment Law comes at a time when Iraq is seeking to diversify its economy and reduce dependence on oil revenues.  The country is aiming to enhance economic growth by fostering a more conducive environment for industrial activities and private sector development.

Key Provisions of the Law

The Industrial Investment Law is designed to address several key areas to stimulate economic growth and industrial development. It includes provisions to streamline investment procedures, provide tax incentives for industrial projects, and facilitate access to land and financing for investors. 

Streamlining Investment Procedures

The law simplifies administrative processes for investors, reducing bureaucratic hurdles and improving the ease of doing business in Iraq. This is expected to attract more foreign and domestic investors to the industrial sector.  

Tax Incentives

To encourage investment in industrial projects, the law offers tax exemptions and deductions for a specified period. This is aimed at making industrial ventures more financially viable and attractive to potential investors. 

Access to Land and Financing

The Industrial Investment Law facilitates access to land for industrial purposes and provides support for financing industrial projects. This includes measures to ensure that investors can secure land rights and obtain financing from local and international sources. 

Expected Impacts

The approval of the Industrial Investment Law is anticipated to have several positive impacts on the Iraqi economy. By providing a more favorable environment for industrial activities, the law is expected to: Boost economic growth and diversification Increase employment opportunities in the industrial sector Enhance the competitiveness of Iraqi industries in the global market Encourage FDI and foster private sector development


The final approval of the Industrial Investment Law in Iraq represents a significant milestone in the country's efforts to strengthen its industrial sector and attract more foreign investment. With streamlined procedures, tax incentives, and improved access to land and financing, the law is poised to contribute to economic growth, diversification, and job creation in Iraq.

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