Friday, August 23, 2024

Demands For The Formation Of A Parliamentary Committee To Investigate The Difference In Budget Schedules Amounting To 8 Trillion , 24 AUGUST

 Political |  01:11 - 08/21/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Today, Wednesday, a member of the House of Representatives, Representative Sarwa Abdel Wahed,

called for the formation of a parliamentary committee whose results will be presented to the House of Representatives regarding the difference in the budget schedules, which amounts to 8 trillion dinars.

Abdel Wahed said in a statement received by Mawazine News,
“After talking about the difference in the budget schedules, which amounts to 8 trillion, it became necessary for the Presidency of the Council to respond to the letter from the Council of Ministers that was sent on the first of last July, and as a result, the Chairman of the Finance Committee instructed Forming a committee to find out the facts.”  Abdel Wahed explained,
 “It seems like there is a delusion in the matter, so we demand the formation of a parliamentary committee whose results will be presented to the House of Representatives to find out the facts.
If the Cabinet’s letter is accurate and there is tampering with the schedules, then this is a disaster that must not be tolerated, and that
Parliament must not allow it to be a bridge for the corrupt.”   

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