Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"This is why I am telling go exchange ASAP and don’t wait" BY MNT GOAT, 30 JULY


..First let me say that the three zero notes are not being obsoleted after the deadline in Iraq is over to turn them in. No one EVER said that! These notes will be used for “interbanking of international transactions” in the background where large sums of cash must be transferred. 

The CBI told us this many times in articles. Yes, eventually these notes will become obsoleted but we will be way out of this and exchanged by then. Get it? This is why I am telling go exchange ASAP and don’t wait. 

This three zero note currency of Iraq is not something you are going to hold on to and watch it grow for the future. This investment ends when the RV happens. Get it? This is not a stock investment. Get it? But the CBI did tell us there will “probably” be at least a 10 year use of these notes by the banks for this purpose. How does this concern you. Simply put it doesn’t and so why are you so worried about it?  

Next, the CBI very distinctly told us this procedure of the Project to Delete the Zero is NOT a lop. In the articles back then, they described what a lop is and how it is used in times to relieve the stress on a currency due to hyperinflation. So, does Iraq have hyperinflation?

 They are averaging now about a 3-4% inflation rate with the highest of 9% when they did the de-dollarization in 2023. So, the tool of the “lop” does not apply. Get it.....

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