Monday, July 22, 2024

The sudden rise of the dollar in Iraq: Does it threaten the stability of the national economy?, 23 JULY

 Dollar prices exceed their limits: Are we facing an unprecedented cash crisis in Iraq?

 Currency exchange markets in Iraq witnessed a significant increase in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar this Monday morning. Prices in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, recorded a significant increase, which raises questions about the possible causes and economic impacts of these changes.

Price hike details

t the opening of the two main stock exchanges in Baghdad, Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya, the dollar rose to 149,250 dinars for every 100 dollars, compared to 149,000 dinars recorded yesterday. In local markets, the selling price of the dollar reached 150,250 dinars, while the buying price recorded 148,250 dinars for every 100 dollars. In Erbil, the dollar also recorded an increase in exchange shops, where the selling price reached 149,400 dinars and the buying price 149,300 dinars for every 100 dollars.

Possible reasons

The rise in the dollar exchange rate is due to several possible factors, including:

Changes in supply and demand: There may be an increase in demand for the US dollar by businesses or individuals, causing the price to rise.

Global economic shifts: Changes in global economic policies and oil prices can affect currency exchange rates.

Local economic conditions: Local economic challenges, such as fiscal deficits or political tensions, may lead to exchange rate fluctuations.

Economic impacts

This increase comes at a sensitive time for the Iraqi economy, as it may lead to several noticeable economic impacts:

Increased import costs: As the dollar rises, the cost of imports will become higher, which may affect domestic prices of goods and services.

Impact on citizens: Citizens who depend on importing goods and products in dollars may be affected by an increase in the cost of living.

Impact on investment: A rise in exchange rates can have negative effects on foreign and domestic investment, as investors may look for more stable markets.

The rise in the US dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar is an important issue that requires close monitoring. It is important for investors and economic decision makers to monitor developments and take the necessary steps to mitigate the potential negative effects on the national economy.  link

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WOLVERINE All banks have credited the transactions released yesterday into their accounts. Now we just need to send the notifications to tho...