Saturday, July 13, 2024



 Oh, this is big news right here, look at this, Article "Iraq's non-oil revenues reach 11% for the first time"  Been talking about this for the longest time.  This has got to increase.  

It's usually around 4%...Yah!  Pee-pee dance!  Finally we're starting to see some movement.

 Article: "Nearly one trillion dinars of customs revenues in the first half of 2024

 This article is really good news as we are aware Iraq has to diversify their income right now.  They rely way too much on oil sales so they have to find alternatives to that.  Customs is one of those alternatives...It is generating a lot of income for Iraq...This is exactly what we want to see Iraq do, work on budding those alternative revenues for Iraq.  This is a big help...

 The IQD is not officially trading on the Forex right now because it's part of their punishment, but it's listed there because they had a pairing at one time just like the [Venezuela] Bolivar...

Once they've been paired before, even though they're in trouble and they might not be officially trading on the Forex, they're still listed as trading 1 to 1.  That doesn't mean that's what's happening, it's like a placeholder.  Think of it as a book-marker. They're not officially trading at 1 to 1...A book-marker, that's all it is...When the time comes and they start trading on the Forex again...they're already set up and can start trading right away.  That's the same with all currency exchange websites.

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