Monday, July 29, 2024



Israel is getting ready to focus their ire on Iran. Iraq is about to take center stage! The troops start to leave in September. We are seeing the end of corruption worldwide. 

Everyone needs to rise up against evil and finally start working together! 




So Sudani/Abadi have now demanded a timeline for the US troops to start leaving, giving them until the end of next year. This was the edict Israel was waiting for in order to strike. 

Notice in the articles Iraq says they are a part of the new international development bank. That means BRICS, which means they’re part of it now and they just haven’t admitted it yet. 

And they’re telling you in the comms that the timeline for completion is September. Don’t shoot the messenger. We’re just letting you know their true plans so you can prepare accordingly for your new lives. 




Now that Iraq is meeting in Washington and Netanyahu is wanting to go to DC, you have to figure that Israel is involved behind the scenes in these meetings planning their attack on the Iranian proxies. 



Funny how America and Iraq copy each other. Dems and Rino’s going nuts because President Trump is safe and will lead to their exposure and demise. Similarly, Maliki in Iraq is going nuts trying to stop the reforms and ascension into the WTO, because he and his bastard goons know this is the end of them and their corrupt ways forever. 

All Sudani needs to do is go to the border and talk to our military and tell them what’s up and let them go into parliament and pull out all the corrupt goons and this all ends. He is smart and most likely this will be his next course of action. 



The US is giving Iraq one week to pick a new speaker of the house. Next week they’ll finally have one.

 That coupled with the talks to join the WTO brings us another step closer to the RI. Ultimately it’s all a stall tactic until Israel does their part. See you in September. 


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