Wednesday, July 31, 2024


  Ariel on X 7.31.24 

People listen you need to look at everything happening politically as a last Dutch effort to enforce liberal policies to prevent future defeat of Donald Trump coming back into power. Maduro is nothing but another 2020 election in another country that happened in the US four years ago. 

Lessons are being learned and this is causing people to understand how corrupt the system is. 

Maduro is going to play out his role. But it will not be outside the parameters that Donald Trump has created to entrap the Deep State.

 Which is why he walks around unbothered about everything that you are pulling your hair out over. I told you all before nothing is happening haphazardly. 

Nobody is getting away with anything. I have shown you examples of this. Why do you think banks are mortified of Basel 3?

Why do you think Democrats tried to pass laws to prevent D. Trump from using the Red Folder?

Why do you think the Federal Reserve tried to bully banks into not setting up their own charter to independently legislate precious metals as legal tender?

Why do you think governments around the world are trying to prevent the role out of quantum computers?

I can on with many questions but you get what I am saying here. They are the ones on the ropes. Not us. But they use the media to convince you that is the case. The existence of BRICS Nations alone is the nail in the coffin for the entire ponzi scheme of this system. 

Especially since the announcement of a payment system outside of the SWIFT system. 

The problem you all are currently facing is that you think these people are supposed to announce their defeat. And they are simply not going to give you that much ground. So please stop expecting them to roll over on their belly. 

They didn't monopolize media to walk their own plank that they created for you when we get out of line once you decide to start talking outside their talking points. 

They will pretend they are not losing any ground until they are on their death beds. And even then they will not show us any white flag. 

Remember, old habits die hard. New ways of being blossom softly.

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