Wednesday, July 24, 2024

President Of The Republic: Iraq Is Politically, Security-Wise And Economically Stable And Supports Human Rights, 24 JULY

 President of the Republic: Iraq is politically, security-wise and economically stable and supports h Screenshot-gallery-97 

{Politics: Al Furat News} President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid confirmed today, Tuesday, that Iraq seeks to develop its relations positively with various countries of the world, based on the stability it is witnessing on the security, political and economic levels.

The Presidency of the Republic stated in a statement received by {Al Furat News}, that "Rashid received at the Baghdad Palace, the German Federal Ambassador Christine Hohmann, the Chargé d'Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Laetitia Van Asch, the Canadian Chargé d'Affairs Marie Therese Hilal, in addition to the Political Advisor to the Embassy of the United Kingdom Angus Clarkson."

The President of the Republic pointed out that "the Iraqi government is working on developing comprehensive plans to rehabilitate and operate factories and plants, and attract investors due to the existence of equal and promising opportunities for companies to invest in Iraq through vital and developmental projects, especially since Iraq today enjoys political, security and economic stability."

He stressed, "Iraq's efforts in combating violence against women and children, finding solutions to the issues of displaced persons, supporting human rights in general, and the means to activate joint international cooperation in this field,"

noting that "Iraq cares about and supports human rights in a distinctive way, and supports its principles and adopts them as a basis for legislating its laws and organizing community work, as all complaints in this regard receive attention and follow-up from the Presidency of the Republic and the relevant authorities."

In turn, representatives of diplomatic missions expressed their happiness with the "development taking place in Iraq," stressing "their countries' keenness to support Iraq's stability and expand the horizons of cooperation with it in various fields."  LINK

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WOLVERINE All banks have credited the transactions released yesterday into their accounts. Now we just need to send the notifications to tho...