Monday, July 15, 2024

More Than $250 Million In Foreign Transfers To The Central Bank Of Iraq At Today's Auction

 Time: 2024/07/14 {Economic: Al Furat News} Sales of foreign remittances in the Central Bank auction, today, Sunday, increased by 92% over cash sales, reaching more than $255 million.

Today, the Central Bank sold during its auction for buying and selling the US dollar 275 million, 781 thousand, and 251 dollars, covering it at a basic exchange rate of 1310 dinars per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, and at a rate of 1310 dinars per dollar for foreign transfers, and at a rate of 1305 dinars per dollar in cash.

Most of the dollar sales went to strengthen the balances abroad in the form of transfers and credits, which amounted to 255 million, 431 thousand, and 251 dollars, an increase of 92% over cash sales amounting to 20 million, 350 thousand dollars.

The number of banks that purchased cash dollars was two, while the number of banks that met requests to enhance balances abroad was 15 banks, and the total number of exchange and brokerage companies participating in the auction was 6 companies   LINK

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