Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 💢 Q & A - Someone asked... 

💢Q: Wait, what about the QFS? Are they (BH) using it as a part of their plan too?

💢A: The point we want you to understand is that the QFS is the framework that Blockchain will run on. There are two AI Quantum Computers - one on each side. Both the Black Hats and White Hats have one. There are also two Resets. Great Reset is NWO and the Global Currency Reset is the antithesis of their wicked NWO. These are running parallel. But only one will last. Please see this teaching post below which might help.


💢Follower asked - "But aren't we debt free as a result of canceling the Corporation (of the USA)?"

💢My response: Ahh, I see what your asking... let me help....

◾You're talking about one train track. 

This post I'm using to talk about another. THINK 2 TRACKS and stay with me....

◾The train track 🛤  of the Corporation of the United States of America is heading like a bat out of Hell to the deep, dark canyon of its utter destruction. On this track, debts remain en masse - with nothing but air & a promise to pay to back it.  It all runs out when the train crashes. (The financial system will crash). 

◾The other track that's running parallel to the first is different. God is the faithful Engineer commanding that locomotive. The sturdy track that this 2nd train runs on is the Quantum Financial System and the pathway is paved with gold backed currency. Plenty of Gold - not just to survive with - but to Thrive with!  

◾Note... this train must pass through the Tunnel that I will call the RV.  REVALUATION OF GLOBAL CURRENCIES. Until this passage takes place, this 2nd choo choo train is just pumping steam - yet it's movement is slow, even obscure to most. 

◾It's the first train that is chugging along full speed ahead to its utter demise and destruction. This is the only train we can "see" now. Make sense? 

Does this help? 🙂❤

~ Ginger

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