Thursday, July 11, 2024


Judy Note

 Wed. 10 July began the Global Debt Jubilee, although many felt it was a no news day – at least none that was revealed to us.

Wolverine knew it was the long waited for Debt forgiveness day. He posted in his room that notifications for exchange appointments for the Global Currency Reset of 209 nations commenced on that Wed. 10 July evening, with at least some liquidity expected to be available on Mon. 15 July. BQQQM!!! The Debt Jubilee Begins July 10th! Prepare for the Revolution! – American Media Group (

Also on late afternoon Wed. 10 July we received news that there was a Stock Market Crash Alert for the next day, Thurs. 11 July

Global Currency Reset:

  • Wed. 10 July 2024 Frank26 Call: Hawaii Airlines and certain hotels were now accepting the IQD. HCL is accomplished and is international.
  • Tues. 9 July Bruce, The Big Call: “I was told that this  was the week for this to go and one of our sources said this should be our week.

Global Financial Crisis:

Unfolding of Events. As the grand spectacle takes shape, a series of remarkable events will transpire:

  • Bitcoin servers and data centers  will face a decisive blow, leading to the fall of 99.5% of crypto-currencies, including China Coins.
  • ISO20022 Coins, backed by Precious Metals, will emerge as a new financial paradigm.
  • The Stock Market will crash, reshaping the global financial landscape.
  • Quantum Systems will come to life.
  • NESARA/GESARA/RV will pave the way for a new era of prosperity.
  • Ten countries will unite to activate the Emergency Broadcast System, covering the entire globe.
  • A cascade of shocking truths will be unveiled.

There will be an Internet Blackout.

  • The White Hat Military is in control of the redemption process, which has released funds across the World for the Global Currency Reset.
  • All banks have signed Non Disclosure Agreements.
  • The GCR funds come directly from the US Treasury Department of Defense Operations – that go out to Treasury Departments in other countries.
  • Japan has revalued their currency.
  • Bond Holders have begun to be paid in Brazil.
  • Bond Holders in the US have been promised to be liquid this week.
  • Notifications have gone out to Tier 4a, a small group of Tier4b and some Bond Holders.

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