Sunday, July 21, 2024


[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

 FIREFLY:We're hearing this man on Chanel one on the TV he's saying to us citizens, he's saying joining the WTO will eventually lead to the rising of the dinar value up.  It's all about global trade...In order to compete we will need a real effective exchange rate to produce anything in the global trading market.  

FRANK:  He's right...It's amazing they are talking to you about the real effective exchange rate...because that is the end result of the float...God willing it comes out at $3.22 as an RI.

FIREFLY: Sudani said we have a new currency... 

FRANK:  They're not talking about the 3-zero notes...They're talking about the new currency that's going to match a new exchange rate. 

 FIREFLY:  Any new currency will have to be lower notes...

 FIREFLY: My bank guy just flat out came out and told me, to be honest with you I think it will reinstate to what it was before and then it's going to float like any other international currency...It's more from the rumor mill.  

FRANK:  I know it's going to reinstate.  You know it.  The money exchangers know it, that's why they went ape %$^%.  That's why they're happy! ...This is the 3rd time your bank friend tells you $3.22 and it will float...That is the most logical thing for the CBI to do.

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