Friday, July 12, 2024


 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

FIREFLY:My bank friend said he heard in the rumor mill that we should revalue in country just above the dollar then we will see the launch of the deletion of the zeros and in a short time we should see the dinar on Forex.  

When it goes to Forex the dinar will float and probably close to a controlled float... This is nothing from the top, it's just the word around our banking friends/ employees.  We could be wrong but we feel something close to this will happen.  

FRANK:  All rumors originate from a source of truth.  It's just exaggerated after that but all rumors originate from a source of truth...
The television was interviewing Sudani and asked him about the reforms and about the progress of the economy.  He says we are stronger than ever and all projects are poised.  He says the delete the zeros is still on the table as Iraq moves forward. 

 FRANK: It's encouraging to see Suandi repeat once again the same words...That means you're about to see it...He says the project is still alive...I'm excited that they talked about a fixed rate rate verses a float...They could float at a fixed rate and cap it very quickly.  I've got a feeling that's exactly what they're going to do.

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