Monday, July 22, 2024


 PART 1/2 -- The Good, The Bad & The Beautiful ☺️๐Ÿ’— Here's your Gintel for the weekend ๐Ÿ˜⬇️  7.21.24 

๐Ÿ’ขTHE GOOD - Let's review some facts, which I've confirmed from real, live people that we trust. Boots on the ground types. Everything I'm sharing is from my own digging and my dear friends who are gracious enough to feed us very trustworthy information. 

·⭐ We've confirmed that Iraq's in-country rate is indeed in the range of $3.60 - $4.00 (vetted ✅ from Iraq) 

·⭐ We've confirmed that German Bonds are paying out. More excitingly, this is confirmed by German friend in Germany whose friend's GBs have been processed. ✅ 

·⭐ We have also confirmed that other European Bond contacts are extremely excited and confident that they will be finished by End-of-Month, according to their group leaders. This is coming from multiple sources. ✅ Stay calm & guarded - because the pace of events still remains to be seen. ☺️

๐Ÿ’ขTHE BAD - I'm kinda surprised how really hush hush things are on the heels of Iraq's WTO accession meetings. ๐Ÿค Dang! They don't want to squeak a leak, do they?! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜† I feel your angst and your distress in the waiting. I get it. I shared recently with the family in GLL Chat that I try to be truthful. I think I might have been the only person on these pages who said I actually thought Iraq might not announce their rate before the WTO meeting on July 18, although I wanted to be wrong. I felt they would take time to put their final steps in motion for the official announcement to the world of their new rate. Lots of gurus suggested that Iraq had to have it done before 7.18.24. And here we are.... Still waiting... I'm glad I at least gave many of you that cautious expectation for those who cared to ask for my thoughts on that topic. My own reflection on that - gut feeling - assisted me greatly in the days following that monumental meeting on Thursday. I've felt settled. At peace ๐Ÿ•Š️

·๐ŸŒบ I'm totally understanding as to why Iraq has to be so secretive! ๐Ÿค Let's remind you of these key factors: Their new rate is in budget which has been published (secretly) in the June 23rd edition of their national Gazette. While some good guys refer to it as "the lost papers" - we like to think of it as "hidden" (intentionally). It's not just being hidden from the Iraqi citizens, it's being hidden from Parliament and the international community as well. It's all part of keeping this big reveal in the shadows, keeping these groundbreaking facts close to the chest. At just the right time, we know this will be revealed to the masses. On the positive side, we in Tier 4B can go before the Gazette details are made known. ➡️ I actually prefer this expectation due to the fact that this scenario would further keep the huge news sequestered so it's truly a "Private Exchange" for us; and the world won't let on to what's truly going on - yet - until it's time to go public. This is still very much a possibility. ๐Ÿ™‚


·๐ŸŒบ Misinformation is so needed right now. But facts are, Reno is still quiet - on Alert, but not on High Alert YET. This isn't bad news considering we know of other hot spots where news is favorable. ๐Ÿ™ I just want to be balanced and fair and not hurt people with forced - or false - expectations - and if something is a rumor, I'll tell you. 

PART 2/2 NEXT ⬇️ ~ Ginger

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WOLVERINE All banks have credited the transactions released yesterday into their accounts. Now we just need to send the notifications to tho...