Friday, July 12, 2024



I need to begin today’s news with a comment to some of my readers to stop bringing this bullshit of “White Hats”, NESARA or GESARA to my blog. I already covered how I feel about these issues. If you want to vent, please go back to the idiots who told you about this crap and challenge them.

I also want to clarify yet more bogus information being passed out by many of these intel gurus mainly this idiot from TNT, yet its TNT Tony striking the iron with his stupid three letter agency and bank garbage once again. I already talked about this garbage intel in a past newsletter but I will address it briefly again. 

Yes, it’s for all you idiot TNT fans that come to my blog hoping to get the TRUTH. But Tony says and I quote “its better to be wrong everyday than to be right only once”. This to me does not make any sense and he misses the entire point of collecting and sharing information about this investment in the dinar. It is not a guessing game. It does not have to be highly speculative. Really, there is so much information about the monetary reforms Iraq is now going through. There is “their words” not mine and we don’t have to make up banks stories, three letter contacts or these other ridiculous stories. The news can be factual but only if you dare to tell the TRUTH and not play head games with your listeners.

So, once again this week the TNT idiot told his listeners that there are back screens for trading the dinar and it went up to a rate of $6 this past weekend. Really? He said it was supposed to RV on Friday then it was Monday and still here we sit with no RV and its Thursday already again. But this idiot has been saying this for over 10 years now. You would think his listeners would question his sanity? Sounds like his is another Joe Biden to me… lol.. lol…. lol…. 😊

All you have to do is get your nose into my Articles Section of the Newsletter today to see that this guy Tony is lying about what was supposed to have taken place over the weekend. Listen to me! Read my lips all you TNT puppets. If any investor wanted to invest in the IQD, they can easily buy it off the internet which buys it from the Central Bank of Iraq for 1/6 of a penny at 1320 dinar per dollar. Why in hell would anyone go and pay anymore than the official rate? It is all lies. Get it?

This guy Tony is a grownup man and can’t even determine lies when they are told to him never mind have enough discernment to figure out not to pass it on. These idiots passing him information (and I know who they are) have him so convinced they are real and have real information to give him. This is very sad. This is one of the reasons in the first place I created my blog as someone, anyone needs to come to their senses and use some common sense in this investment. All these lies have gotten way out of line and have to stop. But they won’t as long as you have gullible idiots who are willing to listen to it, believe it and not challenge it to their faces. Why don’t any of you TNT followers challenge the lies?

So, what is the FACTUAL news for Iraq this period?

In talking to my CBI contact over the weekend you think she would have told me about the supposed RV rollout, if in fact there was one, as Tony described on his latest? 

So, it did not happen and so relax everyone. Next, I was also told that the educational program set up has not yet begun. It will coincide with the currency swap of the larger 3 zero notes for the newer lower denominations. I was told to be careful of the lies coming out about the financial reforms and how the CBI is handling it.

 Again, I was told there is a master plan they are following to get to the reinstatement in spite of the efforts by the Biden administration not to allow this occur under his current administration. 

The point that was made to me once again is that the IQD should already be reinstated if nothing else to what it was prior to 1990, then to let it float and the market will drive it like any other foreign currency that is traded. By not letting it go, the longer this is extended the more money that is stolen from Iraq which is not almost $4 trillion US dollars since 2003. Is there a conspiracy going on here?

 I then read some of the articles to my contact from the recent Iraqi news channels and she told me that many of the politicians in parliament and many economists do not understand the economy clearly and how it works with the dollar. I was told the dollar will always exists in Iraq just like it does in many other countries. But what Iraq really needs is to use the dinar for trade and have it widely accepted. This can not and will not happen unless the dinar is traded on FOREX.

I then asked my CBI contact to explain just what the “comprehensive system banking system” was and how it is being activated

She explained to me it is the 3rd phase of the strategic monetary reform plan and is now being implemented

The plan will merger some of the government run banks. There is a new set of regulations for the handling of selling the dollar and dinar from private exchangers. It also is about implementing electronic banking throughout Iraq, includes the wide use of ATMs, bank accounts and use of debit cards. The plan also called for the project to delete the zeros to facilitate the cash flow to the banks from personal stashes.

 But that the US Treasury has not yet given the green light to begin this part and this is beginning to cause issues. Meanwhile the CBI is progressing in what parts of the plan it can accomplish. I was told that this has been a common theme when working with the US Treasury. They work through plans with the Central Bank, then when it comes time to execute the plan, they are not timely in following the plan, which in the long-term causes yet more delays and issues. .....TO BE CONTINUED

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