Monday, June 3, 2024



Article: "Al-Mandalawi after voting on the budget tables: Parliament will follow up on disbursing the specified financial amounts". 

 The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, congratulated the approval of the federal general budget schedules for the current year, stressing that the presidency made great efforts with the Parliamentary Finance Committee to expedite its completion and vote on it during the current legislative term, due to its importance in terms of its direct connection to the lives of citizens and its relevance. The document includes strategic, investment and service projects.”

 Article: "Parliamentary Finance for Nina: We approved the budget schedules as received from the government, except for the governorate allocations."  

Quote:   "The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the schedules of the general budget law will be passed as soon as a quorum is reached in the House of Representatives session scheduled to be held this evening, Monday."

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