Sunday, June 30, 2024



 We are at the end of June, and Sunday, June 30, is mid year, an opportune time. Almost daily there is a cascade of news in articles from Iraq...IMO, June may end with great news, and, if not with what we seek, but maybe news that brings us yet closer to what we seek...Now ATMs are out and official WTO full member status as of July 18.IMO, the window seems to be getting smaller and startup of those idle ATMs dispensing and working maybe closer!  IMO.


  ...based on Iraq’s progress things are definitely on track to being done...I see a culmination of this sometime this summer and it could go now or it could be later, no one and I mean no one will know when...We are definitely in the end time of all of this.


 WTO Article:  "FORMAL WORKING PARTY MEETINGS 2024 18 July 2024 - THU 18 JUL  10:00 Working Party on the Accession of Iraq"   This is good news for Iraq on their accession to the WTO. Hopefully they will have or shown us by that time a new rate for the dinar.  While international trade and economics are the important criteria for membership, having an international tradable currency is not a "cast in stone" issue but I certainly would think Iraq WOULD want that for credibility purposes if nothing else...

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