Sunday, June 9, 2024



FAMILY:  I know everyone is excited from what we’ve been TOLD, but please please stay grounded.  There has been just “verbal communications” between individuals without physical proof of such event.   Let’s just stay the course and see what goes on from here.  Still waiting on proof from Iraq’s Gazette also.  



Family:  This is Bearded Patriot.  Just sitting here in my hospital room waiting for my heart surgery tomorrow morning, but if you don’t mind me saying this……I truly don’t believe we will be seeing the new rate BEFORE we are revaluing. 



Please remember….we don’t need it to be posted (RV RATE) on the Gazette for us to RV.  THE POSTING of the Gazette is for the Budget to make it finalized by law.  IMO, we’re still extremely close to getting this completed.   Keep a close eye on your emails. 

Remember, it’s supposed to be a surprise and In my opinion, it doesn’t help our cause when we have all the gurus or podcasters claiming things out of hopium without significant proof, other than someone’s words or hearsay.  Let’s all stay cool, calm and collective as a family and we will cross this line together.  

Yelling “WOLF” is doing nothing but bringing our consciousness and desires to a minimum and bringing negativity to the forefront.  

I can tell you family that I truly believe we’re extremely close from what is currently occurring to our destiny and dreams…..HANG ON TO THEM CLOSELY AND VERBALLY MANIFEST IT TO FRUITION!




I believe we will go and then a few days to weeks, then the rate will appear of the forex giving the single to the public for their turn to exchange.  Again, this is only my opinion.  So stand ready whether the rates on forex or not!!!!

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