Monday, June 17, 2024

💢Q & A - How will people who live in other countries outside of USA receive notice? 800 numbers don't work there? FROM GINGER TELEGRAM CHAT, 17 JUNE

 💢Q & A - How will people who live in other countries outside of USA receive notice? 800 numbers don't work there?

(This answer is only for those talking the traditional route to receive notification. If you're in LWS and awaiting private contact, you can disregard this if you want to as it would not apply to you, per se.) 

💢A: For RV speculators outside of the USA, please disregard the "800#" bc it will NOT APPLY to any country that doesn't use 800#s. Plain and simple - there will be no reason whatsoever for you, in Australia, Asia, Europe, Africa, etc to call a USA #. THIS IS A GLOBAL EVENT. So, you'll receive the appropriate number for you to call in your home country where you are. 

To be very clear, Redemption Centers abound here in the USA. However, we're told that actual Redemption centers will be very few and far between in other countries. You will be able to complete your Redemption appointment at major banks, who are working in cohesion with your country's Treasury Department (which has your country's gold / asset reserves). 

This is the number you will be given.  A number to an authorized banking institution that is SAFE (partnership with the Alliance) for you to complete your exchange. You'll give your postal code (or zip code)  - (any/every country) and you will be given the contact information to point you in the right (and safest) direction. 

You might receive a direct email which will give you (in YOUR COUNTRY) the right 'call center' to contact. Due to the language barriers, no.... I absolutely do not expect every single RV participant to be directed to a USA Call Center (appointed by Alliance/ UST) when they live in other countries. It would be close to impossible for them to staff ppl who are multilingual - in which every single country is represented. But it makes sense if you are contacted directly, via email, with a contact in your country whom you can reach out to.  If the SafeLink website is indeed a factor in this, it makes sense that you will provide proof of your identity by answering key questions  - proving you ARE YOU,  then given a number of an appropriate bank who can handle your exchange/redemption.  The VPN on your computer/device can also be used to identify what phone number in what country to provide for you, personally. 

It's equally important to note that in the USA only a Redemption Center will be able to accommodate Zim Bond Notes Redemption AND regular exotic currency exchanges. IF someone ONLY has currency and zero Zim, they may freely go to any bank which participates in foreign currency exchange to complete their transaction. This is not the case in other countries!  Because there will be very few actual "Redemption Centers" - you WILL BE ABLE TO EXCHANGE & REDEEM BOTH FOREIGN CURRENCY AND ZIM at major, participating bank locations. Again, you must sit back and wait to see how you'll be notified. Email with the SafeLink website will be a perfect solution for you. But the bottom line is, you'll be given an appropriate number to call in your location, where you can be steered in the right direction. 

It's not all about the USA! And the advice you are getting (from the gurus) should not be thru the vein of "all about the USA" either.  It makes no sense that a RV speculator - or a humanitarian  in Timbuktu would have to call a call center staffer in middle America to learn how to make a Redemption appointment. The Alliance is smarter than that!! They know who you/we humanitarians are!  You will not be left out. Please hang tight and wait. We'll all offer direction as we can.  I hope this helps. 

We're in this together. ❤️🙏

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