Thursday, June 6, 2024

Plasschaert's Replacement Raises Controversy.. Who Is He?, 7 JUNE

 Plasschaert's Replacement Raises Controversy.. Who Is He?

Political |  06/06/2024  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Arab reports revealed today, Thursday, that the United Nations has nominated the permanent representative of the Sultanate of Oman, Mohammed bin Awad, to fill the position of head of the UN mission in Iraq.

This comes after the UN Security Council unanimously approved ending the United Nations political mission in Iraq, and ending the duties of the head of the mission in Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert.

A report by the Emirati network Eram, followed by Mawazine News, said, “There are some unnamed political parties that had reservations about the candidate, Muhammad bin Awad, and demanded that the United Nations bring in a foreign, non-Arab person for this position,” without disclosing the reasons for the rejection .

The Iraqi government had asked the Council, in a letter dated May 8, to end the mission of the United Nations Mission in Iraq at the latest by the end of 2025.

According to this request, the UN Security Council voted unanimously, last Friday, to end the United Nations mission in Iraq, which was established In 2003, which aimed to coordinate humanitarian efforts and post-war reconstruction efforts.

According to the resolution, the United Nations extended the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) for 19 months until December 31, 2025, and then developed a “transition and liquidation plan” in consultation with the Iraqi government to transfer its tasks and withdraw employees and assets.

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